This is in response to “Bitterrooters mostly good” (Star Letters 3/9).
Since when is free speech limited to your guidelines! Free speech is just that, free speech, whether it’s hateful or not. It seems to me you only want others to agree with you and then only do you and your kind consider it free speech. Believe it or not, there are many of us who do not want refugees here and we have a right to say so and it’s not hate speech. Look at the other side, we consider your speech intellectually nonsensical. Why would anyone want people here who suck off of welfare forever, rape women, hate gays, and don’t use public toilets (they just squat wherever they happen to be). They will cost the taxpayers about $1,300 per student per month to teach English, not including the 36 dialects they speak that will cost for interpreters for schools, hospitals, 911 centers, police and firehouses.
I was at the Commissioners’ meeting and I didn’t see any frightened students. The crowd was respectful and filed into the gym, took their seats and waited for their turns at the microphone. You only consider it angry because over 500 didn’t agree with you and your kind.
There are many who don’t want the Syrians here who do good for the community so don’t make it sound like you libs are the only ones. Don’t throw the good Samaritan in the Bible into the mix either. If you look at the passage, the Good Samaritan took the man to a local inn. He didn’t invite him home, to his country or anywhere else. If you feel led, send aid over there. But it’s people like you who will hurt the economy here and destroy this beautiful place with your thoughtless actions.
Donna Gibney