On Thursday, February 11, both Darby and Hamilton School Districts received Marcus Daly Nurse Grant funds for their school nurse programs. John Ormiston, Marcus Daly Memorial Hospital board member, was present to disburse the monies.
“The school nurses are an extension to the healthcare system,” said Ormiston. “They help educate families, teachers and take care of the school children. Ultimately, reducing the emergency visits, the most expensive access to healthcare.”
This year both schools said that the grant monies help keep students in school, resulting in higher attendance.
“My goal when taking on this position was to have a school nurse because of the socioeconomics, said Chris Toynbee, Darby K-7 Principal. “It is so important for the kids, teachers and families. We have only had a school nurse for a few short months and have seen positive changes already. Students that historically would have been sent home for what is labeled a ‘tummy ache’ now have our nurse to chat with and in most cases stay in school.”
“I am so very thankful for this opportunity,” said Juanita Converse, Darby School nurse. “I love being a nurse and love children, enjoy working in the Darby school district and living in the community. This is a dream job for me.”
“We appreciate the relationship we have with Marcus Daly Memorial Hospital and this donation is the vehicle we needed to get our nursing program started,” said Toynbee. “Thank you so much, together we are making a difference in the kids and their families lives and getting our teachers back to teaching.”
At Hamilton High School, because of the funds, they were able to expand their nursing program to two part-time nurses, one Registered Nurse and a License Practical Nurse. Nancy Doyle, RN, Hamilton’s Nurse Program leader, said, “The addition to our staff has given both of us the opportunity to have focused time with the children to address their personal needs, as well as tend to the bumps and bruises we see in the earlier grades.”
“We are so happy with our relationship with the hospital, it makes a difference in what we can offer and ultimately helps shape our future because in order to learn and grow our kids need healthy bodies and minds,” said Eric Larson, Director of Student Services. “Thank you so much for the grant monies!”
“The hospital Board is proud to help with keeping the children of the valley healthy,” said Ormiston. “Healthy kids make for better adults!”