The Ladies of the American Legion Auxiliary Ravalli Unit 47 would like to say thank you to the following people who made decorating the cemetery in honor of our Veterans possible:
To the Masonic Ladies and Gentlemen who made the wreath, thank you. The wreath is beautifully and tastefully done.
To Al Wyland who made the easel and helped put it up at the cemetery, thank you for all your assistance. It worked so well.
To Cheri Vadheim who came up with the idea and helped it come to pass, thank you.
To the guys at the cemetery, thank you for going along with the crazy ideas we come up with.
The wreath will be up until Good Friday (an old German custom) and will be replaced with other flowers for Easter and the crosses which had to have some work done on them. We’ll change out the flowers for the seasons and hope to keep the center area beautiful for those who gave their lives for us so that we can continue to live our lives in freedom. If you have any suggestions for improvement, please give Dorothy Rummel a call at 363-5482.
Thank you again and look for all that is done with crosses and flags on the graves of all Veterans on Memorial Day by the American Legion and Auxiliary, the VFW, the Boy Scout Troops and the American Heritage Girls.
Doroth Rummel, Secretary
Ravalli Unit 47 American Legion Auxiliary