By Michael Howell
The Town of Stevensville received notice from Governor Steve Bullock that two grants have been awarded to the town to be used in updating the Town’s Growth Policy. One of the grants, for $6,000, was awarded by the Montana Main Street program. Stevensville joined the National Main Street Association in 2000, prior to the formation of the state’s program. The organization secured a previous grant of about $500,000 for the streetscape improvements which included Main Street sidewalk repairs and the construction of bulb outs and other amenities.
The Town also received notice from the governor that a $27,000 grant had been awarded for work on the Town’s Growth Policy as part of a Community Development Block Grant.
The Council agreed to hold a public hearing on January 28, to consider a budget amendment that would enable the Stevensville Fire Department to put in a bid of $12,502.86 to purchase a 1985 Pierce 55 foot Quint ladder truck from the town of Columbus’ Fire Department. The vehicle comes with a 1500 GPM two-stage water pump and a 300-gallon water tank. It is equipped with a 55-foot Smeal Ladder with pre-piped water way with a nozzle controlled from the pump panel or ladder tip; a 24-foot extension ladder, a 16-foot roof ladder and a 10-foot attic ladder. It has been pump tested annually and ladder tested. Stevensville Fire Chief Jeff Motley called it “a solid piece of equipment.”
The Council approved its fourth change order in the wastewater treatment plant improvement project for $13,564.85. When added to the previous change orders, which totaled $88,867.27, the total price of the project has grown from the original $3,519,850 to a total contract price of $3,622,282.12. Tom Hanou of HDR Engineering told the council that some precision equipment needed to complete the sewer upgrade has been delayed due to a shipping delay on the part of the supplier.
Town Building Inspector Dennis Monroe reported that $1,097.25 was collected in building permit fees. Nine permits were issued. A “notice of violation” letter was delivered to CJ’s restaurant. The restaurant has been operating under a temporary occupancy permit with a to-do list for completion but that permit expired about two years ago. The final item on the list is the roof over the front patio which was expanded beyond the scope of the original approved plans. An “as-built” plan stamped by a design professional is now being required. The owner will have until 5 p.m. January 29, 2016 to provide the plan or the building will be closed until the information is provided. Monroe said that he had asked for the information “on many occasions.”
The Stevensville Playhouse structural retro-fit has been completed, inspected and approved.
Councilor Jim Crews was elected as Council President. He will also serve on the Airport Board and serve as the Town’s representative on the Main Street Association Board. Councilor Stacie Barker was selected to serve on the Park Board. Councilor Bob Michalson will serve on the Planning and Zoning Board. Councilor Robin Holcomb will serve on the TIFD board.
The Council scheduled a Committee of the Whole meeting for January 21, at town hall at 7 p.m. to discuss possible amendments to the Park Ordinance now that the new infrastructure has been installed including the Bear Mountain Playground and the Skate Park. Mayor Paul Ludington said that some rules, especially regarding the skate park area, need to be developed and adopted.