For as many years as I can remember, I have always made every effort to attend the Stevensville Schools Veterans Day Ceremony. This is a commemorative ceremony put on by the students and faculty to show their sincere appreciation for the service or our local veterans to this great nation. The performances that these kids put on is always fantastic, the guest speakers always well chosen. But every year, I walk away feeling embarrassed and sad.
It completely dumbfounds me as to how in the world these kids can put so much effort into a program … only to be attended by maybe a dozen veterans! Ravalli County veterans should be ashamed! Ravalli County holds one of the highest Veterans per capita ratio in the entire state, yet only a select few ever attend this spectacular event. ALL veterans from any town in this country are invited, it is not limited to Stevensville residents. In fact, the whole public is invited to attend.
How many times have we heard that today’s kids are becoming more and more disrespectful of the morals and standards of the older generations? Well, maybe we are simply reaping what we have sown by not showing our support to those who are making a concerted attempt to show us their respect and support for the service that we have given our country. How disheartening it must be for these kids when they want to say than you, and there is nobody there to listen. They can only come to the one logical conclusion that if we don’t care, why should they?
Veterans … This is my call to arms. Lack of our support is jeopardizing this very program. If we don’t start showing up, I anticipate that whole idea will eventually be scuttled due to lack of interest. I ask that you make the time to show up early Tuesday, November 10th (yes, it is the day before Veterans Day) at 2:15 p.m. The program starts at 2:30 p.m. sharp! If you wish to attend, but are unable to drive for what ever the reason, please call American Legion Post 94 Commander Chuck Bergmeyer @ 1-253-380-7016 and we will find you transportation to and from the event.
It is my hope that this year veterans pack the house to the point were faculty is scrambling to find additional chairs. I think it is about time we show our appreciation to these kids for their heartfelt efforts. I care … do you?
Brian Potton
Heidi Stahl says
“Ravalli County veterans should be ashamed”. Seriously, did you just write this? This is very disrespectful and makes my blood boil. I understand you were upset in the lack of attendance regarding a “commemorative ceremony”, however veterans should never feel ashamed. Veterans have to live with much worse than the feeling of being shamed for not attending a public event.
“…I walk away feeling embarrassed and sad”, this quote makes me glad I do not know you due to the lack of knowledge and sincere appreciation you have for our veterans.
It is very apparent that you are unaware of the sacrifices our veterans have made and continue to make. PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)is something you should research and understand before you ever write an article like this again. PTSD is deadly. PTSD makes it hard enough for a veteran to live day to day than have to worry about attending a public event where they will be feeling vulnerable in a public place, scanning for enemies, and hyper-vigilant.
Shame on you. Poor choice of wording. Understand the actions your words cause. And lastly, understand that many community members may not be aware of this event in the first place.