This is an open letter to health providers, health departments, news media and all concerned citizens. A new report, Protecting Children’s Health, that will hopefully prompt you to help protect the children of Montana, can be found here:
As the saying goes if you are not part of the solution, you are a part of the problem. Do you really want to be an accomplice in killing and maiming newborn children? I can see how people could ignore the birth defects and health issues we reported on the wild and domestic animals, although I don’t understand why. Everyone who ignores what the pesticides (umbrella term) are doing to children is as culpable as the people who lied about the safety of the pesticides now being used.
Environmental chemicals like Roundup have been shown to kill not only humans, but also most plant and animal life on the planet. Do you want to be as guilty as the corporations, government agencies and others, who ignored the severely adverse effects shown by thousands of studies and tests, and consequently allowed billions of pounds of the most deadly, birth defect causing pesticides to be used?
Millions of newborns and young children have been affected by birth
defects caused by pesticide exposure, We have reported a high prevalence of heart defects on wild and domestic animals. Heart defects are now the #1 birth defect on children, according to KPAX news.
Everyone, especially those in charge of protecting citizens’ health, should immediately begin to do everything in their power to mitigate this insane damage to newborn children. Why do people scream about abortions of unwanted children and say and do nothing about the killing and maiming of wanted, loved children? That makes no sense to me. Does anyone have an explanation?
Judy Hoy