I have noticed two words pop up lately in several random places as if these words solve every matter. Facts and science. The fact that the sun is red in the morning means there is smoke. The fact that I believe in aliens means… The fact that I don’t believe in global warming means I’m an id… Science proves this or science proves that. I’ve been thinking… What is interesting to me is that these so-called facts and science are always held to be true by some and not by others. We believe a fact or we don’t believe that fact. If I believe or a majority believes, does that make it so? If a majority decides one way, does that justify forcing that belief on the nation or on the people of Ravalli County? What really is helpful and true and noble? What makes it so?
If you try to force your facts and science on others, then you are a bully. What I’ve found in my experience is that many people use facts and science in a similar manner as religious folks do. Facts and science as well as religious beliefs are used to intimidate others or attempt to put others in their place, an inferior place. People that do this are attempting to prove themselves to be right and superior. I know many will argue with this and say that they are justified by their facts and methodology. I feel violated either way. I need safety and respect. I suspect you do too.
Who has a right to force their beliefs or facts and science on anyone else? If socialist party A is in power then they force their agenda on the nation. If socialist party B is in power then they force their agenda on the nation. This political struggle is about being king of the mountain. That might be all fun and games when you are in elementary or middle school. If I try that with my neighbors today, I would be hated. Somehow though, this childhood game is okay for the nation. Politicians and the influential decide what is best for them; and we, the people, get to obey or go to jail.
Why do these people think they have that right?
Because we (or the majority of us) believe this is necessary based on the “fact” that the founding fathers set up a system in this country to rule every person who lives here and because the Constitution was amended to steal your money through direct taxation. As long as force and theft are acceptable, the fruit will be rotten. At what point can you say that stealing is wrong between individuals but all of a sudden it is okay for the IRS or for a nation? Would you personally appreciate it if your friend or neighbor came in your house or business and stole a percentage of your valuables? When does stealing become okay? Where is the line? It does not make sense to me.
Yes, this theft and force is legal, but is it helpful and true and noble? I know some of you want to be the king of the mountain and make things “better” but at what cost? I know that this method has been going on for centuries. I feel violated. I need safety and respect. Facts and science can beat me over the head just like religion. I do not appreciate anyone who attempts to force me to believe a certain way regardless of the source of the information. I suspect you don’t either.
If you want a peaceful conversation and connection that can build relationships and community, a few of us have been meeting outside the museum for discussion and understanding on Fridays at noon, and we invited you to join us. Honestly, it has been interesting and respectful. I keep learning. Individual people are far more valuable than forcing facts and science or religion down someone’s throat! This is my opinion.
Chris Martin