All hands on deck! The time has finally arrived to build the Bear Mountain Playground at Lewis & Clark in Stevensville and project chair Renee Endicott is calling out the volunteers. Holes have been dug and the site prepared, tools of every kind have been assembled and are ready to go, a small army of wheelbarrows is waiting, the team leaders from Leathers – the company that designed it – have flown in from Michigan. All that’s needed now is some helping hands. Lots of helping hands!
The blitz build is scheduled to start Wednesday morning at 8 a.m. and end sometime Sunday evening. Three shifts are scheduled to work daily, the first from 8 a.m. to 12 noon, the second from 12:30 to 5 p.m. and the third shift works from 5:30 p.m. to closing. Free meals will be provided to volunteers at the end of each work shift. Free daycare for potty-trained kids is also provided. For scheduling daycare, parents may call Katina at 702-499-7935.
Endicott said that community support has been terrific. She said that close to 200 teachers and staff from the Stevensville School District as well as the entire football team and students from other athletic and school organizations will walk from the school to the playground site at Lewis & Clark Park when school is out on Wednesday to help with the project. She said church groups, youth groups and sport groups from around the community have volunteered.
“I can’t tell you how excited I am,” said Endicott. “But we do need more volunteers. If you can push a wheelbarrow, or push a pen, use a skill saw or handle a rake, we could really use the help, even if it’s only for an hour.”
Anyone willing to volunteer can call Sherry Ritter, volunteer coordinator, at 370-4778.