Wednesday, September 16
Lolo food drive
The Lolo Senior Group will hold a food drive on Wednesday, September 16 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in front of Lolo Harvest Foods. No perishables can be accepted.
Businesswomen’s Network
The Bitterroot Sub-network of the Missoula Businesswomen’s Network works to promote and support women in business and professional practices by providing a local forum for interaction with others who can offer diverse perspectives on business management and growth. At each meeting there are presentations and time for networking. The September 16th meeting will be held from 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Bitter Root Brewing located at 101 Marcus Street in Hamilton. Contact Tracy Walczak at (406) 360-4662 with any questions.
Spiritual living workshop
“Introduction to Spiritual Living” will be presented on Wednesday, September 16 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at The Center for Spiritual Living, 1720 N. First Street (north of Sears) in Hamilton. Explore the teachings of Ernest Holmes, a new thought writer and the founder of Centers for Spiritual Living. He is the author of “The Science of Mind” and numerous other metaphysical books. For further information, visit
Thursday, September 17
Stevensville driver’s ed
Driver’s education class runs September 17 through November 13 for students at least 14-1/2 years of age by September 29 or older, from Stevensville High School or a home school. Cost is $285 and the class is limited to 24 students. Sign up at the high school office or call 777-5481 for more information.
Friendly Gardener’s Club
The Friendly Gardener’s Club of Darby/Conner will hold their monthly meeting on Thursday, September 17 at 12 noon. You are cordially invited to join in for this fun, social get together. No gardening experience or skills are required! For location and more information regarding this meeting call the club president at 821-2229.
Back Country Horsemen
Bitter Root Back Country Horsemen host their monthly meeting on Thursday, September 17, at the Corvallis School Cafeteria on Eastside Highway in Corvallis. Potluck dinner is served at 6:30 p.m. and the general meeting starts at 7 p.m. Trail projects, including those that were completed and projects yet to finish this fall, will be reviewed. Guests are welcome to attend, and if you are interested in keeping trails open and accessible, this is what the group does! For more information call Karen at 961-0101 or check the website at
Friday, September 18
Riparian health workshop
The Bitter Root Water Forum (BRWF) is hosting a day-long workshop on Friday, September 18 at the Bitterroot Valley Board of Realtors building, 224 N. 4th Street in Hamilton to provide resources for landowners and property managers about living alongside a dynamic water body.
Living beside a river can be beautiful and exciting – these are things people in the Bitterroot are well aware of – but there are so many other things to consider when living on the water’s edge. Do the words “riparian habitat” meaning anything to you? Are you wondering how to reduce erosion on your property and add to the diversity of the Bitterroot River? Do you have a project in mind, but no idea how to start? If so, this workshop is your answer. BRWF is hosting the “Rivers as Neighbors” workshop on Friday, September 18th to give people an understanding of streambank project techniques and the importance of a healthy riparian area.
BRWF is a local non-profit that works for clean water through restoration and education. The “Rivers as Neighbors” workshop is an opportunity to provide information about options in bank stabilization projects by showcasing what restoration projects can look like. Because the riparian area – the interface between land and a river or stream – is incredibly diverse, there is a wide variety of options available to landowners as they begin to consider how they want to live near a streambank. This riparian area is critical in its role as wildlife habitat, as a shade source for the stream, and as a buffer to trap sediment before it enters the waterway. Maintaining a healthy riparian area is one of the most effective ways to combat non-point source pollution.
In this workshop, participants will hear about past bank stabilization projects from landowners, and contractors. They will also learn about stream morphology, riparian habitat, the project permitting process, resources available to landowners, and how to plant willows. The workshop will end with a trip to Veteran’s Bridge to see Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks’ recently completed project. Lunch is provided.
You might consider attending if you have stream or riverside property, work with people that do, or are simply interested in learning more about streambank maintenance and riparian areas. The tour will go from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. There is a $10 registration fee which can be paid online at or by check to Bitter Root Water Forum. Registration ends Monday, September 14th. Call 406-375-2272 or e-mail for more information.
North Valley Pachyderm Club
The North Valley Pachyderm Club will meet Friday, September 18 at 12 noon at The Frontier Café, Hwy 93 in Stevensville. Guest speaker will be County Commissioner Greg Chilcott. The North Valley Pachyderm Club is an educational arm of the Republican Party. All are welcome.
‘Art of the Chair’ reception
You are invited to a reception for the 4th annual “Art of the Chair” on Friday, September 18 from 5 to 7 p.m. in the Community Room of the North Valley Public Library, Main Street, Stevensville. Light refreshments will be served. The chair-desks were donated to the library by the University of Montana, circa 1960-1980, and the local artists who will be painting them, in alphabetical order are: Charles Hackett, Sue Lyons, Carola Meilke, Pam Morris, Nancy Morrison, Robbie Springs and Christa Wortman. Come preview these little works of art before they are displayed in the lobby of Valley Drug, 3rd St. entrance, for the Silent Auction from Saturday, September 19, to Friday, September 25, at 7 p.m. Proceeds to benefit the library. Remember, you can’t win if you don’t bid!
York Rite Masons
The York Rite Masons will be installing their 2015-2016 officers on Friday, September 18 at 7 p.m. at the Masonic Hall in Hamilton, 115 S. Third Street. There will be a fellowship dinner at 6 p.m. in the upstairs lounge. This is an open installation and all are invited to attend.
The first meeting of the York Rite year will be a Commandery meeting on Wednesday, September 23 at 7:30 p.m., also at the Masonic Hall in Hamilton. There will be a members and guests dinner at 6:30 p.m. All members of the Commandery are invited and encouraged to attend.
Saturday, September 19
Farmers Market Harvest Fest
In celebration of our Ravalli County farmer friends who, with their hard work, grow the fresh tasty non-GMO food that keeps us fed and healthy, Hamilton Farmers Market, on 3rd and Bedford Streets in historic downtown Hamilton, will host the annual Harvest Fest on Saturday, September 19 from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Mini Pumpkin Painting for Mini Kids will be on the Museum lawn with favors for all entries and a grand prize awarded.
The Largest, Smallest and Craziest Veggie, Fruit and Flower Contest is open to all! Giant pumpkins can be submitted as long as they can be carried into Market by humans and not a forklift! Ribbons and Market $5 tokens will be awarded as prizes at 11 a.m.
Bags of Market Bounty donated by participating farmers will be the drawing prizes. Register at the Market’s Info Booth under the lime green canopy. Registrants must be present to win.
Hamilton Farmers Market is open 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. every Saturday through October 17, rain, shine, or smoke. Stock your pantry with summer’s fresh goodness and have a healthy winter!
Victorian Tea
The Stevensville Playhouse is requesting your presence at the Mary Poppins Victorian High Tea on Saturday, September 19 at 12 noon at the Bass Mansion, 100 College Street in Stevensville. Dine with Miss Poppins on a sumptuous repast of tea sandwiches, scones and sweets made by her favorite local bakers and served on fine china and sterling. During tea you will be entertained by Miss Poppins, as well as some of her friends. Also, you will have the opportunity to learn some fun turn-of-the-century facts about England and be treated to a small fashion show. This is a one-time event, with limited seating available. Purchase your $25.00 ticket from Stevensville Playhouse Inc., or Valley Drug, or call 777-2722 or visit the web site at for further ticket information.
Labyrinth Open Walk
The 16th Annual Fall Equinox Open Walk will be held Saturday, September 19 at Redsun Labyrinth, west of Victor (weather permitting). The Labyrinth will be surrounded with luminary from dusk until 10 p.m. Bring a flashlight to light your way. You may bring a stone to leave if you wish. There will be music and a bonfire to warm you depending on fire restrictions. Dress warmly. A $3 donation is suggested which helps keep the labyrinth open to the public. Visit for directions and information. If you can’t attend this event, feel free to come and walk any time—the Labyrinth is always open. For more information call Pat at 360-5568 or Sue at 251-4493.
Observe the Moon Night
Bitterroot Public Library will observe International Observe the Moon Night on Saturday, September 19 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. on the main floor of the library. This is an annual event dedicated to encouraging people to look up and take notice of our nearest neighbor, the Moon. From looking at the Moon with a naked eye to using the most sensitive telescope, every year on the same day, people from around the world hold events and activities that celebrate our Moon. Astronomy students and telescopes from the University of Montana will be on hand to guide you. Your binoculars and telescopes are welcome. Find lunar features together, examine the formation of moon craters, create phases of the moon with cookies, and hear and write moon stories. Take home a moon journal and ideas for further exploring the moon. Dress for inside and outside participation; bring a blanket if you wish. Everyone (and all ages) welcome. RSVP by calling the Library at 363-1670.
Sunday, September 20
Community workshop
“Claiming the Promise,” a seven-week community study, will be held at the First Christian Church in Hamilton on Sunday afternoons beginning with a lunch and orientation on Sunday, September 20 at 12:30 p.m. The study will focus on the question, “Will the Church unconditionally welcome lesbian women and gay men and affirm that people of all sexual orientations can claim kinship as children of God?” All who seek to prayerfully consider this issue, that hurts and divides our brothers and sisters, are invited. Questions may be directed to the First Christian Church at 328 Fairgrounds by calling 363-1213 or by texting 361-1488.
Autumn Dinner and Dance
A Welcome Autumn Dinner and Dance will be held Sunday, September 20 at the Golden Age Club hall, 727 S. 5th, Hamilton. Golden Age Club volunteers will serve a pulled pork dinner with buffet bar, dessert and coffee. Dinner will be served at 1 p.m. Following dinner, the Boots and Calico Square Dance Club will present a square dance exhibition. Regular dancing will follow until 4 p.m. Dance music will be by “The Jammers,” a group of local musicians. Admission for the dinner-dance is $6.00 per person. Reservations are helpful for food preparation. Call Bob at 363-0142 to be assured of a dinner. Proceeds from these dinners help the club continue the various club activities including pinochle parties and exercises and to maintain the floor for continued use by other organizations.
Monday, September 21
Stevi school menu
Monday: Breakfast – Pancakes or yogurt, fruit, toast, milk; Lunch – Beef Steaks, mashed potatoes & gravy, peaches, bread & butter, milk
Tuesday: Breakfast – Cinnamon rolls or yogurt, fruit, toast, milk; Lunch – Chicken Fajitas, Spanish rice, lettuce & salsa, apples, bread & butter, chocolate or regular milk
Wednesday: Breakfast – Cereal or yogurt, fruit, toast, milk; Lunch – Pulled Pork Sandwiches, taters, applesauce bread & butter, milk
Thursday: Breakfast – French Toast or yogurt, fruit, toast, milk; Lunch – Chili & crackers, fresh veggies, bananas, bread & butter, milk
Friday: Breakfast – Egg Wraps or yogurt, fruit, toast, milk; Lunch – Corn Dogs, Baked beans, mandarin oranges, bread & butter, chocolate or regular milk.
Rotary Club
Laura Bianco Hanna, Executor Director of “Camp–Mak-a-Dream”, will be speaking at the next meeting of the Hamilton Rotary Club, on Monday, September 21 at 12 noon at BJ’s Restaurant, 900 N. 1st Street, Hamilton. The meeting is open to the public. For further Rotary Club information, call 363-2960.
Bitterroot Audubon
Bitterroot Audubon’s September meeting will feature a slide program “On Becoming a Bird Photographer” by local photographer Mel Holloway. Some of Mel’s photos have been featured in the wildly popular Bitterroot Audubon calendar. Mel will share many of his wonderful photos of birds while he describes his progression as a bird photographer and what he has learned about birds, photography, equipment, technology and how he utilizes all of this to create his beautiful images of birds. Bring your cameras and smart phones so you can ask questions and/or try out some of his ideas. Mel’s presentation is on Monday, September 21 at 7 p.m. at the Lee Metcalf National Wildlife Refuge Visitors’ Center on Wildfowl Lane, just north of Stevensville. The meeting is free, and the public is invited. Contact Kay Fulton at 642-3794 for more information. Come early and view the birds on the ponds!
Tuesday, September 22
RASS training
Western MT Addiction Services is holding a Responsible Alcohol Sales and Service training on Tuesday, September 22 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon at 209 N. 10th Street, Suite C in Hamilton. The cost of the training is $15 (cash only) for materials. The “Let’s Control It” curriculum complies with the state’s mandate for the training of the sellers and servers of alcohol and is approved by the MT Dept of Revenue. Participants will receive a certificate of completion. For further information or to register call 532-9149 or email Register by September 21.
Wednesday, September 23
BEAR open house
BEAR will hold an open house with hors d’oeuvres and tours at the new BEAR Den on Wednesday, September 23 from 5 to 7 p.m. at 1105 W. Main in Hamilton. Youth awards will be presented at 7:45 p.m. followed by a slide show of the year’s adventures. The slide show will be picnic style on the lawn – bring warm clothes and a blanket or lawn chair. In case of inclement weather, the slide show portion of the event will take place at the Bedford Building.
Quilters’ Guild
The Bitterroot Quilters’ Guild will host author and quilt designer Mary Lou Weidman at its meeting on Wednesday, September 23 at 6:30 p.m. at Daly-Leach Chapel’s community room. Her entertaining program and trunk show on “Leaving a Bit of You — Why Story Quilts Matter” will feature her distinctive “out of the box” style and techniques. The public is welcome to attend.