By Michael Howell
Marcus Daly Memorial Hospital has just purchased a new piece of equipment that’s going to make a huge difference in the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. The new breast mammography machine produces a three dimensional image that is larger than what the old equipment could produce and provides more detail.
“This newest advance in tomography is as big as the jump to digital,” said Drew Hayward, Department Head of Imaging. He said it was serendipitous that the hospital’s eight-year-old mammography system was reaching the point that it needed to be replaced just as this new technology became available.
The latest additions to the mammography suite also make possible a stereotactic biopsy to be done right on the site. Patients needing a biopsy were sent elsewhere for treatment in the past. The results of the biopsy can also be imaged right after the sample is taken. It makes the whole process easier, does not increase the radiation dose over the previous procedures, and gives better and quicker results.
“With 3-D imaging we are finding smaller tumors leading to earlier detection,” said Nurse Kathy Miller.
Miller has been working in the mammography department for nine years. She moved to mammography from radiology after two of her best friends died of breast cancer. She is a strong advocate of the hospital’s Aid to Mammography Fund.
“So many women in the valley are uninsured or underinsured and just can’t afford it,” said Miller. “With this new tomography machine now is the time to come in.”
The Aid to Mammography Fund will pay for the doctor and even provide one if the patient has no doctor. It will pay for the mammogram, for the biopsy, if one is needed, and the follow up. The fund is community supported by individuals, the Soroptimists, the Sprinkle Pink campaign and a match from the hospital for all donations made during the month of October, which is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
“There is no reason for any woman in the valley to go without a mammogram,” said Miller.
For more info about the Aid for Mammography Fund call 375-4824 or visit www.mdmh.org/AMF.