By Michael Howell
The Stevensville Playhouse has initiated a Capital Fund Campaign to raise over $125,000 for building improvements. The improvements to the 80-year-old building include structural upgrades, asbestos removal, and both heating and electrical improvements.
According to Stevensville Playhouse Board President Susan McCauley, the building improvements are part of the theater’s efforts to respond to a lawsuit filed by neighboring business owner Phil Henderson of Stevensville Hardware over the condition of the theater building.
McCauley said that a tentative agreement has been reached with Henderson, but until that is signed there is no access to the back of the building to make the needed improvements. The active lawsuit is also holding up a $50,000 renovation grant from the Treacy Foundation in Helena.
However, some money has already been raised to meet the estimated $125,000 cost of renovation. Sue Devlin of A2Z Personnel has contributed $10,000. The Dennis and Phyllis Washington Foundation has also contributed $10,000 with $2,500 of it going to the Children’s Theater and the remainder to building renovation. An additional $7,000 has been raised through various fundraising events. Severson Farms has donated a half a beef and one quarter was raffled off at Stevensville Western Days. Another quarter will be raffled off at the Creamery Picnic.
The theater has been open for business despite the pending lawsuit and is currently initiating its annual membership and season ticket drive. The 2015-2016 season is kicking off with a performance about the beloved nanny “Mary Poppins” directed by Clay Freeman, with auditions on August 17 and 19. The play runs from October 2 to 18. This will be followed by “The Neverending Story” directed by Susan McCauley running December 4-13, with auditions on Oct 12 and 14. Then comes musician and artist Scott Kirby’s “Main Street Souvenirs” on January 16 only. Next, “Working,” directed by Gretchen Spiess, is a musical about, by and for anyone who has ever punched a clock, a cow or a supervisor. “Working” auditions will be held Jan 11 and 13 and the play runs March 4-20. Then comes Oscar Maze and Jim McCauley in their first directing experience with Jim Sperinck’s farcical adaptation of “Treasure Island.” Auditions are on March 28 and 30 and it runs May13-22.
The operating budget for the Playhouse depends on membership and other donations from the community. Anyone interested in supporting this community theater can call 777-2722 or 360 489-7114.