The Montana Avalanche 10U team won the state championship in their division two weeks ago. With players from Florence, Stevensville, Missoula and Ronan, this young team had only returning players. The rest had never played together until this summer. After taking third in their first two tournaments, they went on to finish strongly, taking the championship at tournaments in Polson, Great Falls, Frenchtown, and the state championship in Billings and winning 22 straight games. They finished their season with an overall 30-3 record. Shown are coach Maurice Craun, coach Wendi Wood, and coach Chad Schneiter in the back row; Alyn Spry, Isa Valdez, Cassidy Schweitzer, Kooper Page, Jessi Mahler, Claire Schneiter, middle row; and Sawyer Mahler Delaney Laird, Sarah Craun, Kylie Kovatch, Kolbi Wood, and Shanel Manuel.