Wednesday, July 29
Square dance
It’s time for the annual square dance at the Sula Clubhouse, on Wednesday, July 29. This dance is offered by Ray Dunbar, Hamilton and Eddie Fields, Salmon, who will be the callers. Dress is casual and the dance is open to all square dancers. It will be a mainstream dance with rounds. The cost is $6 per person. The potluck starts at 6:30 p.m. with the dance following. For more information call Ray Dunbar at 370-4414.
Thursday, July 30
Talent show auditions
Put your talent to work for the cure! The 2015 Power of Pink Variety Show invites you to be a part of the show to help end breast cancer in Ravalli County. Singers, dancers, actors and other performing artists who want to volunteer their talent are needed. Every act is asked to prepare a piece based on the theme of hope and strength, rehearse it, and come to one dress rehearsal on Sunday, September 27. Then be a part of the show performed at the Mary Stuart Rogers Theater in Victor on Friday, October 2. If you would like to participate, auditions will be held Thursday, July 30 from 4 to 6 p.m. at Marcus Daly Memorial Hospital, conference room C. You do not need to present the performance piece at the audition but something that showcases your ability. Call Sherry at 375-4675 to reserve your audition slot. The Power of Pink is supported by community members, Mary Stuart Rogers Performing Arts Center, Victor Schools, Ravalli County Dance and Theater Companies, Bitterroot Valley Chamber of Commerce and Marcus Daly Memorial Hospital.
First Aid Night
First Aid Night for Families and Kids will be held Thursday, July 30 from 6 to 7 p.m. in the North Valley Public Library Community Room. Local Ski Patrol members will share basic first aid, wilderness safety and survival strategies. These community members are great examples of local heroes who want to share their skills. There will be a Q&A at the end, snacks and free educational packets. This event is for children ages 8 and up, families and parents. There is no charge but register at 777-5061 or come in to sign up. This is an information session, not an official certification class.
FWP listening session
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks (FWP) is looking for public input on values, needs and priorities as part of its ’15 & Forward initiative to plan for the next 10 years.
FWP is holding is holding a public listening session on Thursday, July 30, beginning at 6 p.m. at the Double Tree Hotel, 100 Madison Street, Missoula.
FWP’s vision update will be a foundation on which it builds programs and services that hold the most value for the public and Montana’s fish, wildlife, recreation, cultural, and state park resources in the years ahead.
“It has been over 20 years since FWP last took a department-wide look at planning for the future and established its current Vision for the 21st Century,” said FWP Director, Jeff Hagener. “It is time to update this document and set program goals and design services that reflect our current context.”
Hagener stressed that public input is critical to the process. “FWP would like to understand if we are meeting your needs, what we can do to serve you better and get your thoughts on where we need to put our focus in the upcoming years.”
The listening session will last from 6 to 9 p.m. and refreshments will be provided. The public is encouraged to RSVP for the Missoula session by emailing, or calling Vivaca Crowser at 542-5518.
Community Band concert
The Bitterroot Community Band presents the Bitterroot Jazz Band in concert at the bandshell in Claudia Driscoll Park on Thursday, July 30 at 8 p.m. Free and open to the public!
Friday, July 31
Mature driving class
The newly designed Smart Driver Safety Course is being offered on Friday, July 31. The four-hour course will emphasize how driving has changed, new vehicle technologies, safe driving practices and skills, recognizing the importance and benefits of assessing driving skills, and safe driving actions. The course will be presented from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Marcus Daly Memorial Hospital in Hamilton. The state of Montana mandates discounts for qualified drivers. There are no tests or exams to complete. The course is sponsored by AARP and the cost is $15 for AARP members and $20 for non-AARP members. Call 363-6583 to make a reservation; space is limited.
Saturday, August 1
Worm control workshop
The National Center for Appropriate Technology will offer a workshop on FAMACHA – a popular method for determining the severity of Barber Pole Worm in sheep and goats – at a lamb operation near Whitehall on Saturday, August 1 at 9 a.m. Dave Scott, an NCAT livestock specialist and co-owner of Montana Highland Lamb, will lead the workshop. FAMACHA is a method for determining the degree of Barber Pole Worm infestation in an animal by inspecting the color of its lower eyelid. Scott also will discuss using grazing practices to control parasites and reduce dependence on dewormers. The free workshop begins at 9 a.m. on Aug. 1 at Montana Highland Lamb, located at 680 Highway 55 near Whitehall. For more information contact Scott at or 406-533-6642. Registration is available online at
Science Saturday
Circuitry is the topic of Science Saturday on Saturday, August 1 at 10 a.m. at the Ravalli County Museum in Hamilton. Create a circuit with a light, complete a switch and explore the career of an electrical engineer.
History lecture
Bruce Gould will be speaking Saturday, August 1 from 1 to 2:30 p.m. at the Victor Heritage Museum on the corner of Blake and Main Streets in Victor. Bruce is a Victor native and has studied local history for 50 years. He will be talking about the Bitterroot Salish tribe and will be giving a background of some of their customs that allowed this culture to survive and prosper for over 12,000 years right here in Western Montana. Come and learn a little bit more about the first people who lived in this beautiful valley.
Daly Mansion annual fundraiser
Pull on your best boots for the annual premier fundraising event, Round up at Riverside, to benefit the Daly Mansion, on Saturday, August 1. The evening will begin at 5:30 p.m. and will include live music by award winning bluegrass duo Mike & Tari Conroy, accompanied by fiddle player, Ellie Nuno. There will be a wide variety of silent and live auction items including getaway packages to Virginia City, Flathead Lake and a ride on the Charlie Russell Choo Choo. There will also be outstanding works of art, by artists such as Micky Kapor, Charles Israel, and a print by Gary Lyn Roberts. More Montana dining and adventure experiences are also offered such as a guided fly fishing trip, a trail ride, ski passes, dinner at Triple Creek Ranch, or dinner and lodging in Whitefish. There will be something for everyone!
A delicious dinner will be catered by A Moveable Feast offering barbecue ribs, red potato hash, succotash, corn bread, a fresh green salad and bread pudding for dessert. Other dessert options will be the almost famous homemade pie auction by the Round up Committee members. Drink service is provided by the Rainbow Bar. Reservations are $70 per person (includes table wine) and are available by calling 363-6004 ext. 2#. All funds raised that evening will go to support the operations of the Daly Mansion Estate, a Montana historic treasure. The Daly Mansion Preservation Trust’s mission is “dedicated to preserving and interpreting The Daly Mansion, it’s building, grounds and the history they convey. It is a center for education, cultural and community activities.” For more information, visit or call 363-6004.
Sunday, August 2
Center for Spiritual Living
The Center for Spiritual Living hosts Z’eva Singer presenting “Compassion and Empathy” Sunday, August 2 at 10 a.m. The theme for August is Being A Nurturing Community. Come learn what it takes to be a supportive, nurturing spiritual community. Refreshments and delightful conversation follow at 11:15. Come early for Meditation at 9:30 a.m. The Center for Spiritual Living is located at 1720 N. First Street, Suite C in Selway Commons, north of Sears in Hamilton. For further information call Dave at 381-2355 or visit
Monday, August 3
Sports VBS
Come and “Get in the Game” of Sports Vacation Bible School at Canyon View Church, 195 Skalkaho Hwy in Hamilton August 3rd-7th. The camp will run from 9:15 a.m. to 12 noon and is for ages 4 years old through sixth grade. Sports will include soccer, baseball, basketball, volleyball, football, gymnastics and cheer leading, among others. Come hear from valley coaches, learn game skills and take away bible stories that will improve your game of life. Call the church office for more info at 363-4244.
Rotary Club
Deborah Rogala, Ravalli County Fair Manager, will be speaking at the next meeting of the Hamilton Rotary Club, on Monday, August 3 at 12 noon at BJ’s Restaurant, 900 N. 1st in Hamilton. Deborah will be discussing the 2015 Ravalli Fair. The meeting is open to the public. For further information call 363-2960.
Wednesday, August 5
Golden Age cleanup day
The Golden Age Club in Hamilton will hold its monthly business meeting on Wednesday, August 5. The club will conduct a general indoor and outdoor cleanup session prior to the meeting. All members are asked to turn out at the hall at 9 a.m. to do a thorough cleanup inside the hall, with attention to kitchen
appliances, the card table tops and other indoor areas. The outside grounds need weed eating and raking. If yard tools can be brought , please do so. A weed eater or two and maybe a lawn mower would help. At noon the clean up will end and a light lunch will be served. The business meeting will begin at 1 p.m. Members are urged to attend the meeting to take part in completing plans for the summer potluck picnic and dance which is scheduled for August 16. Also on the agenda will be discussion of a possible change of one item in club by-laws. Getting some additional volunteer help with the card games will be talked about. There will be time for other items of interest from the members in attendance to be discussed.
Stevensville Garden Club
The Stevensville Garden Club meets the first Wednesday of each month at 1 p.m. at the Community Baptist Church, 409 Buck Street, Stevensville. Everyone is welcome. The next meeting will be August 5, with Judi Vannatta speaking on “Exploring Tomatoes.” Come and listen to Judi, then participate in the “tomato tasting” contest and/or make a dish using tomatoes! If you have any questions or want more information on becoming a club member, call Sue at 369-0406 or email her at Come learn and join in the fun!
Spirituality video series
Spiritual Master Video Series will feature Rev. Michael Beckwith presenting “The Answer is You” on Wednesday, August 5 at 6:30 p.m. at the Center for Spiritual Living, 1720 N.1st Street, Hamilton (north of Sears). Visionary teacher Michael Bernard Beckwith delves deep into practical methods for manifesting prosperity and health, living a rich and fulfilling life, understanding universal laws and gaining greater self-awareness, courage, and self-reliance. The Reverend Beckwith is the founder of the Agape International Spiritual Center located in Culver City, California.