Having followed the Medicaid expansion debate since 2012, I am more convinced than ever that Montana would benefit greatly by passing HB 249. This bill will establish the appropriate administrative structure to implement health care coverage for approximately 70,000 Montanans including 2,846 people right here in Ravalli County. I have read the bill and found it to be a straightforward plan for implementation. It even includes a provision that would continue law’s health-care services only as long as the federal government continues to contribute 90%.
Our local good Samaritans work hard holding fundraisers for our friends who are facing medical emergencies. I support those efforts, but we really need an agency funded by the government – that’s all of us – that will more adequately help our less fortunate friends and neighbors. Access to health care for everyone will make Montana a stronger and more vital state and will save health care dollars by providing preventative care.
Our own Marcus Daly Memorial Hospital Board has passed a resolution in support of HB 249 knowing that health care outcomes, as well as the hospital’s finances, will improve in Ravalli County with the passage of Medicaid expansion. Medicaid expansion means more dollars flowing into Ravalli County and more jobs.
There will be a hearing on HB 249 this Friday, March 6 at 3 p.m. Please attend or call your Representative at 406-444-4800 and leave a message. Ravalli County Representatives are Ron Ehli, Theresa Manzella, Nancy Ballance and Ed Greef.
Pam Erickson