Expanding Medicaid in Ravalli County and all of Montana is something that Democrats and Republicans can agree on. Montana legislators should pass it and have Governor Bullock sign it as quickly as possible.
Forget that it’s part of Obamacare. It’s the right thing to do for some 70,000 Montanans, and it’ll be a boon to our economy–on a state and county level.
Every day Montana’s taxpayers are paying for expansion under federal law–except that Montana’s nearly $2 million/day is going out-of-state to places like California and West Virginia.
What difference would it make to Ravalli County? It would likely create 540 well-paying jobs and add over $22 million in labor income. It’d provide life saving health insurance to over 2800 Ravalli residents–mostly low wage-earning parents and single adults. The federal government will pay 100% of the expansion for the first 3 years, then 90% thereafter.
By insuring almost 3000 additional county citizens we’d experience lower healthcare costs and a more thriving local economy. Covered folks would see a doctor or nurse sooner, miss less work because of illness, and avoid getting as financially strapped with expensive healthcare bills.
Most expansion critics say eligibility is too lenient and folks would just get lazy, quit their minimum wage jobs, and live like kings. You be the judge: Would making the maximum eligibility income of about $16,000/year–that’s 138% of poverty level–allow someone to fleece the system and live like royalty?
Our local legislators need to hear from everyone. Medicaid expansion will grow our economy and make Montanans healthier and more productive citizens.
Conservative states like North Dakota, Arkansas, Kentucky, and Arizona have expanded Medicaid and are reaping the economic and health benefits. So why not Montana? We’re already paying for it!
Van P. Keele