I think we should expand Medicaid! But first we must steal people’s money in order to give out that stolen “free” money to others.
Why? So we can provide a “boon to our economy” as Van P. Keele says “likely create 540 well-paying jobs and add over $22 million in labor income.” All with stolen money.
I think this is a really great idea, rob from one with ability to work and give to one with a need. Sound familiar? Hint: it didn’t work in Russia, what makes you think it will work here?
Regarding the “form and powers of a local government… procedures for delivering services…” that the Local Government Study Commission is considering, will ANY form of government that relies upon stolen money ever benefit humanity? Stealing is wrong, we all know this! Then why do we tolerate this for social organization? Because we have always done it this way? Because the Constitution is “divine”? Because the founding fathers were well educated and wise? Why do we still tolerate theft in our society?
I know that most people do not listen to me because this sounds so radical. Cognitive dissonance gets in the way. After all, who will build the roads?
The real question is, how does humanity choose to relate to one another when we gather in societies? Would you choose to relate to a neighbor if he/she could steal your income? Does this “theft model” still sound good to you?
Societies and local communities can organize peacefully, honestly, and orderly without first stealing your money! I would love to see this model develop, because historically it has benefited humanity the most! Thriving local economies do not come from stealing money to pay the administrators to dole out what’s left over! Thriving economies come from people working and being able to keep what they earn and spend it how they wish. On friends, those in need, roads, or whatever.
Regarding Terry Marasco’s complaint about property rights being anti social, I would like to know what is the “societal good” and the “common good” of which you speak. Who decides what that is? You and your science friends? Do property rights mean nothing to you? Communism and socialism have been historically shown not to work. Why do people continue to promote these ideas? Because they are dressed up like sheep? Who gets to decide what is right? What is the common good? These questions have been asked and discussed for thousands of years. Many experiments and forms of government have been tried. I think we should try not to steal and see what happens! Just stop stealing and reorganize based upon things like respect, etc. for a better tomorrow.
Chris Martin