I had an epiphany –
As the season of Easter approaches, those within the Christian realm will hear sermons and or at least think about life after death – what happens when physical existence ceases and where does the “soul” go – Heaven, Hell or ???
The seasons keep passing for us Bitterrooters and our County Commissioners, past and present, keep adding “misdeeds” to their scoreboard with the taxpayers recently absorbing close to one million dollars all for the unchecked ego boosters.
As a result a new season is upon Ravalli County constituency, i.e. the local county government review study, which is formulating and will be at your local community level with dates to be announced. Please stay enlightened. The basic layout of events are in the legal notice section of the Bitterroot Star newspaper dated Jan. 28, 2015, page 12.
After the Commissioners’ recent lifting of restrictions to allow building within the flood plain fringe areas my epiphany occurred and it was surrounded by celestial light that engulfed the whole room, and that is, each elected official, before oath of office is administered, will have to answer what their definition of Heaven, Hell or ??? is and what it takes to go and/or avoid such place.
I do not know the other side of salvation, but in the meantime l want to know whom I am dealing with, and if I could hedge any bets about the cumulative “misdeeds” of our elected commissioners, I would have to lean toward the HEAT!
Peter Lethenstrom