With regard to the Stevensville Hardware Store and Stevensville Playhouse building controversy playing itself out, I find that the endless finger pointing and negative accusations going around town on this issue are as redundant as trying to eat mercury with a fork.
The very last thing that both of these proprietors need is to have their local community show total disrespect by talking behind their backs and creating (here’s the magic word) drama. What they do need is time, understanding, and patience from the community to work things out among themselves without any outside interference. When the chips eventually fall where they may, and the dust finally settles, will we all indeed learn that they have come to a positive compromise that will benefit each other for the long run.
When some of us and our families lead stressful lives and seek a form of entertainment to temporarily escape the trials and tribulations of the world, we go to the playhouse. And for some others out there who just so happen to have a screw loose, we go to the hardware store. Who knows? Until then, maybe both sides can hold a competition on main street by kicking compost cans through a goal post while singing a rendition of “If I Were A Rich Man” (from Fiddler On The Roof).
Meanwhile, for all the idle gossip mongers out there who have way too much time on their hands, I would suggest that they please, please, please get out of their houses more often and find more constructive things to do with their lives, like counting cracks in the sidewalk, or hunting butterflies with a 44 magnum.
As for myself, I’m going to support my local businesses by buying tickets to the next Stevensville Playhouse event. And yes, I am going to stop by Stevensville Hardware to pick up some much needed items. If you happen to see me, I will be the guy wandering in the isle between the toilet plungers and ear plugs.
Mark Allen