Wednesday, January 21
Museum annual meeting
The Ravalli County Museum & Historical Society will hold its annual meeting on Wednesday, January 21 at 8:30 a.m., followed immediately by the monthly meeting. This annual meeting is open to the public and all BRVHS are encouraged to attend. New board members will be introduced. There will be a review of 2014 and discussion about what is coming to the Museum in 2015, including signature events and exhibits, lectures and an exciting SpectrUM Nano Exhibit “The Science of Small” from the University of Montana May-August with Science Saturdays and Thursday lectures and presentations.
Farm School
Financing, accounting, employee management, and other important topics will be covered during Farm School starting January 21 in Missoula. Offering “topical potlucks” for new and beginning farmers, Farm School is a series of casual learning opportunities with experts on the issues. At each workshop, expert farmers and other professionals will give short presentations to get the conversation rolling and the rest of the time will be open for discussion and open questions-and-answers – with the exception of the first Farm School.
The first Farm School, on Wednesday, January 21, will kick off with a Rapid Fire Financing Webinar with information from federal agencies, state agencies, and other organizations on grants, loans, and cost-share programs for farmers.
“Farm School sessions are designed to get you thinking and get you answers,” says organizer Annie Heuscher, of the Community Food & Agriculture Coalition. “We’ve designed them as low-key potlucks so people will feel comfortable bringing any and all questions and taking time to meet neighbors and other new farmers.”
For more information on each of the sessions, visit or contact Annie at
Bitterroot College Advisory Council
The Advisory Council for Bitterroot College University of Montana will hold its monthly meeting on Wednesday, January 21 at 3 p.m. in the Conference Room at the Human Resources Council Building, 316 N. 3rd Street, Hamilton. The BC Advisory Council is a public board and welcomes members of the public to observe and participate at its meetings. The meeting agenda and supplemental meeting materials are available on the BC website at Advisory Council Meetings or by calling the BC Business Office at 375-0100.
Weight loss class
“New Insights on Weight Loss: A Look at Carbs, Ketones and Leptin Resistance” will be presented by Hollie Greenwood on Wednesday, January 21 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Headwaters Wellness Center, 212 Main, Stevensville. Inflammation, stress, poor sleep and lack of exercise are all factors that can alter your metabolism and weight. But, new research is focusing on the hormone leptin. What is causing people to become leptin resistant? How can this resistance be reversed? How do carbs and ketones (made from fats) contribute to this phenomenon? If losing weight has turned into a frustrating battle for you, it’s time to explore new insights for successful weight loss. Cost is $15 per person. Reservations required by calling 777-1048.
Horse care class
Western Montana Equine Rescue and Rehabilitation’s series of free classes on responsible horse ownership continues with “Winter Horse Care 101” on Wednesday, January 21 at 6 p.m. at Cowpoke Ranch Supply in Corvallis. It is part of an ongoing series of twice-monthly classes to promote responsible horse ownership. Classes are free, but donations are accepted. For more information call WMERR at 961-3101 and leave a message or visit
Thursday, January 22
RASS training
Western MT Addiction Services is holding a Responsible Alcohol Sales and Service (RASS) training on Thursday, January 22 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon at 209 N. 10th Street, Suite C in Hamilton. The cost of the training is $15 for materials. The “Let’s Control It” course teaches participants to recognize and prevent intoxication in others as well as the prevention of underage service. Program participants are trained by certified instructors to detect the signs of intoxication and intervene effectively to prevent any alcohol-related problems. The “Let’s Control It” curriculum is approved by the MT Dept of Revenue and fulfills the requirements for seller/server certification mandated by state law. For further information or to register call 532-9149 or email Register by January 21.
Stevensville Town Council
The Stevensville Town Council will hold a regular meeting on Thursday, January 22 at 7 p.m. at the Town Hall. Agenda items include discussion/decision on Second Reading and Adoption of Ordinance No. 155, An Ordinance Adopting Revised Building and Technical Codes; discussion/decision on Adams Family Trust Request for Reimbursement of the $750 Subdivision Fee; discussion/decision on Proposal for Skate Park; discussion/decision on Calling for a Public Hearing to Consider an Amendment to the FY2014-15 Budget for Big Sky Trust; discussion/decision on Approval of Contract between the Town of Stevensville and Wipfli, LLP for Auditing Services FY13-14; discussion/decision on Council Consent to Mayor’s Appointment of Planning & Zoning Board Members Greg Chilcott and Dan Cranston; discussion on Town Attorney’s Guidance on Definitions of Resolutions and Ordinances. The regular meeting will be preceded by a public hearing at 6:30 p.m. on the proposed adoption of Ordinance No. 155.
Victor Park District
The next meeting of the Victor Park District will be on Thursday January 22 at 7 p.m. at the Farmers State Bank meeting room. Members will be discussing the budget for the coming year and comparing it with last year’s. There will also be discussion on the playground project and new restroom project. Everyone is welcome. Call Roger at 961-3953 with any questions, or if you want an advance copy of the budget and expense sheet.
Friday, January 23
Garden Planning Clinic
Sam’s Spade Tools and Wares, 111 S. Fourth Street in Hamilton, is holding its third annual free Garden Planning Drop-in Clinic on Friday and Saturday, January 23 and 24 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. for vegetable gardeners interested in guidance on designing their 2015 vegetable garden, You will need to bring a plan of your 2014 garden drawn to scale with measurements, two blank copies to use as worksheets, a pencil and a list of crops you would like to grow in the next season. Get assistance with an emphasis on crop rotation, companion planting and how to beautify your kitchen garden. Didn’t have a garden in 2014? Get help designing your first garden. Stop in anytime between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Email for more information.
South Valley Pachyderm Club
Derrell Poole will be the guest speaker at the next meeting of the South Valley Pachyderm Club, on Friday, January 23 at 12 noon at BJ’s Restaurant, 900 N. First Street, in Hamilton. Poole will be speaking on the subject, “Self-Evident Truths and Unalienable Rights.” The South Valley Pachyderm Club is an officially recognized allied organization of the Republican Party. Members of the public are welcome.
ICU grand opening
A grand opening ceremony and tours of the new Marcus Daly Memorial Hospital Intensive Care Unit will take place Friday, January 23 from 1 to 3:30 p.m. Hundreds of community members, local businesses, hospital employees, volunteers and medical staff helped raise over $2.2 million for this new facility. Enjoy a tour through the 9,470 square foot Intensive Care Unit; meet the staff that will be working in this patient centered facility equipped with state-of-the-art technology and five large individual patient rooms, with natural lighting to enhance healing. Everyone is welcome to attend the Grand Opening ceremonial address and ribbon cutting at 1:15 p.m. following by tours and refreshments. Enter at the hospital’s main entrance. For more information about the ICU grand opening and other hospital happenings, visit
Eagles Taco Night
Tacos and more will be served on Friday, January 23 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at the Eagles Lodge, 125 N. 2nd, Hamilton. Tacos, burritos, quesadillas and taco salad will be on the menu. The public is welcome.
Saturday, January 24
Scandinavian Dinner
The annual Scandinavian Dinner will be held Saturday, January 24 from 3 to 7 p.m. at Faith Lutheran Church, 171 Lewis Lane, Hamilton. Adults are $15 and children under 16 years are $5. Donations are welcome. Proceeds will benefit FLC’s Youth Program and Synod Ministries. Buy extra! Give a meal to a friend or neighbor. Tickets are available at Faith Lutheran Church, The Paper Clip, or at the door. For more information call 363 2964.
Square dance club
Boots ‘n Calico Square Dance Club will hold a dance on Saturday, January 24 at the Golden Age Hall, 727 S. 5th in Hamilton. A plus dance will be from 7 to 7:30 p.m. with a mainstream dance to follow from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Ray Dunbar will be the caller.
Sunday, January 25
Center for Spiritual Living
The Center for Spiritual Living is hosting a discussion titled “The Value of Community” on Sunday, January 25 at 10 a.m. Spiritual unfoldment is a personal experience; being mutually supportive in community is essential for healthy growth. A potluck brunch and annual member meeting follow at 11:30. Come early for Meditation at 9:30 a.m. The Center for Spiritual Living is located at 1720 N. First Street, Suite C in Selway Commons, north of Sears in Hamilton. For further information call Dave at 381-2355 or visit
Free throw contest
The Knights of Columbus annual free throw contest will be held Sunday, January 25 at 1 pm. at Hamilton Middle School gym (use entry on S. 6th Street). The contest is open to all Ravalli County youth ages 9-14 and there is no charge to participate. Boys compete with boys, girls compete with girls, only within the same age group. Winners in each category receive a plaque. All participants receive a prize. Competition age is determined by age as of January 1, 2015. Parent signature is required on registration form unless parent is at the competition. Each contestant will shoot 25 free throws so scores may qualify for state and national competition. Boys 9-11 use a girl’s basketball while boys 12-14 use a boy’s regulation ball. All 9-11 year olds shoot from 12 feet.
Accordion Assn.
Come down and join the 5 Valley Accordion Association for music and dancing on Sunday, January 25 from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Rustic Hut in Florence. Cost is $3 for members and $4 for nonmembers. For info or if interested in joining the organization, call 406-369-1839.
‘Burns Night’ Scottish Supper
“Burns Night” is celebrated annually on the birthday of famous Scottish poet Robert Burns. It commemorates and celebrates his contribution to Scottish culture. The Bitterroot Celtic Society will hold a traditional Scottish supper with entertainment, including bagpipe-accompanied presentation of the haggis and readings from some of Burns’ works. Wear a kilt or tartan plaid, if you can! The family-friendly festivities will be on Sunday, January 25 from 4 to 8 p.m. at the Daly-Leach Community Room, 1010 W. Main Street, Hamilton. Dinner is by free will donation; there will also be a “bucket auction” and live musical entertainment; no-host bar available. This is a fundraiser for the Bitterroot Celtic Games and Gathering, which will be held on August 15 and 16 at the Daly Mansion in Hamilton. Attend Burns Night and receive a discount coupon for the Games & Gathering! Visit the website at or call 406-274-8886 for more information.
Monday, January 26
Stevi school menu
Monday: Breakfast – Pancakes or yogurt, fruit, toast, milk; Lunch – Meatballs, mashed potatoes & gravy, peaches, bread & butter, milk
Tuesday: Breakfast – Muffins or yogurt, fruit, toast, milk; Lunch – Chicken enchiladas with lettuce & salsa, Spanish rice, oranges, bread & butter, chocolate or regular milk
Wednesday: Breakfast – Cereal or yogurt, fruit, toast, milk; Lunch – Cheese-filled breadsticks & marinara sauce, glazed carrots, applesauce, bread & butter, milk
Thursday: Breakfast – Pancake on a stick or yogurt, fruit, toast, milk; Lunch – Chili & crackers, tossed salad, bananas, bread & butter, milk
Friday: Breakfast – Scrambled eggs or yogurt, fruit, toast, milk; Lunch – Chicken Sandwiches, fresh veggies & ranch, pineapple, bread & butter, chocolate or regular milk.
Computer classes
Continuing Education Computer Classes through the Bitterroot College will be offered at the Darby Community Public Library beginning in January and will include a Microsoft Word Intermediate level Class on Mondays, January 26 and February 2 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon and a Microsoft PowerPoint Class on Mondays, February 23 and March 2 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. A beginning Computers Class is scheduled on Mondays, February 2 and 9 from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Darby Community Public Library to learn the very basics of using a computer including using Windows 8. Also, an iPad and iPhone How-To Workshop is scheduled for Friday, February 13 from 1 to 4 p.m. For more information on these or other upcoming programs, contact the library by phone at 821-4771 or through the library on-line site at
Rotary Club
Rotarian Mark Jergens, M.D., will be speaking at the next meeting of the Hamilton Rotary Club, on Monday, January 26 at 12 noon at BJ’s Restaurant, 900 N. 1st, Hamilton. Dr. Jergens, who is an expert medical witness, will be presenting some of his experiences in court cases. The meeting is open to the public. For further information call 363-2960.
Fish & Wildlife Assn.
The Ravalli County Fish & Wildlife Association general meeting will be on Monday, January 26 at 7 p.m. at the Daly Leach Meeting Room, 1010 W. Main St. in Hamilton. The meeting is open to the public. If you are interested in wildlife issues in the valley and state, consider attending this meeting. Along with regular business, guest speaker will be Haley Newman, Outreach Coordinator for the National Wildlife Federation. Haley will give a power point presentation regarding Gorvernor Bullock’s Sage Grouse plan. There will also be banquet tickets and Cooper Firearm tickets available for purchase. For information call Tony at 381-0587.
Tuesday, January 27
Republican Women
Ravalli County Republican Women’s Club will hold its monthly meeting and lunch on Tuesday, January 27 at 11:30 a.m. at BJ’s Restaurant in Hamilton. Guest speaker Terry Nelson will speak about the lawsuit to close the primary elections.
Wednesday, January 28
Quilters’ Guild
The Bitterroot Quilters’ Guild will meet Wednesday, January 28 at 6:30 p.m. at Daly-Leach Funeral Home, 1010 W. Main, Hamilton. Come and learn from member Peggy Holt about “Designing Award-Winning Quilts.” She will be discussing how to design and draft original quilts from conception to completion. Her powerpoint presentation and the actual quilts will serve to jumpstart your own creativity, just in time for the June 2015 quilt show! All community members are welcome to attend.
Environmental law lecture
Missoula attorney Jack Tuholske, Montana’s premier public interest environmental attorney, will speak on Wednesday, January 28 at 7 p.m. at the Bedford Building, 223 S. 2nd in Hamilton. His talk, “The Road We Must Travel: Environmental Law in the 21st Century,” is free and open to the public.
Tuholske graduated from the University of Montana School of Law with honors in 1985. He is in private practice in Missoula and has emphasized public interest environmental litigation in state and federal court in Montana and the West. He has been lead counsel for more than 45 published decisions, including over a dozen successful cases at the Montana Supreme Court in fields as diverse as water law, land use, constitutional law, citizen lawsuits and natural resource management. He successfully represented the Bitterroot River Protection Association before the Supreme Court in the Mitchell Slough case which established that free flowing streams in Montana cannot be reclassified as ditches by merely manipulating them, and that the public retains the right to access those streams. In recognition of his public interest work, Tuholske received the William O. Douglas Award from the Sierra Club in 2002 and the Kerry Rydberg Award in 2010 from the University of Oregon Public Interest Law Conference.
More recently, Tuholske has combined teaching with his law practice, and holds appointments as a Visiting Professor at the University of Montana, and Vermont Law School where he directs the Water and Justice Program. As a Fulbright Scholar in 2009, Tuholske taught at the Law Faculty of University of Ljubljana in Slovenia. He also is a technical adviser to the Vermont Law School U.S.-Asian Partnership for Environmental Law.
Tuholske’s current public interest cases involve protection of endangered fish species, water pollution prevention and challenging coal development that threatens farms and ranches. He also serves as lead counsel representing Bitterrooters for Planning in three public interest land use and water pollution prevention lawsuits: one contesting the Legacy Ranch subdivision decision by Ravalli County and two against Montana Department of Environmental Quality for its approval of ground water discharge permits for the Grantsdale Addition and Blood Lane development projects.
The talk is sponsored by Bitterrooters for Planning. Following Tuholske’s talk, the public will have an opportunity to ask questions.