Wednesday, January 7
Stevensville Main Street
The Stevensville Main Street Association will hold its monthly membership meeting on Wednesday, January 7 at 12 noon at the Main Street office, 102B Main. Lunch will be provided by The Catered Table for $6 per person. The program will be by Starrett Artists – Shane and Julia Starrett, new business located at 211 Main Street (previous Red Willow location). Plan to attend and welcome Stevensville’s newest business owners and learn about their new business and services.
Responsible Horse Ownership classes
Western Montana Equine Rescue and Rehabilitation, located in Corvallis is holding twice-monthly Responsible Horse Ownership classes. They will be held at Cowpoke Ranch Supply in Corvallis beginning Wednesday, January 7 at 6 p.m. The topic this week is Winter Horse Care, which will include blanketing, hoof care, worming, hay, grain, supplements, shelter/wind breaks and water. All classes are free, but donations are accepted for continued care of rescued horses.
Future class dates are: Wednesdays, January 21, February 4, Thursday, February 19, Wednesdays, March 4 and March 18. For more information call Peg Brownlee, 406-531-4851.
Thursday, January 8
Lego Club
Lego Club at the Bitterroot Public Library meets Thursday, January 8 from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Future engineers, builders, and kids who like to play — come to the Meeting Room with an adult for Lego Club every second and fourth Thursday of the month. Questions? Call 363-1670.
Dementia, Alzheimer’s class
Stuart Kieran, MD from Bitterroot Neurology, will be presenting this month’s Healthcare Education Series class on Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. The class will take place on Thursday, January 8 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at Marcus Daly Memorial Hospital in conference rooms B and C. You are sure to enjoy Dr. Stuart’s dynamic and engaging personality as you learn the signs and symptoms and the differences between dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. The class will explore the newest treatments, including naturopathic and traditional medicine, and their benefits. And you will leave with knowledge of steps that may slow down the progression of dementia and boost your memory! If you are concerned that you may have dementia or are forgetting things easily then you will not want to miss this class. For more information, visit or call 363-2211.
The Series continues with “10 Heart Felt Tips to Healthy Cholesterol” on Thursday, February 12, “Risks for Colon Cancer,” one of the top three cancers for men and women, on Thursday, March 12, and “Medications and Supplements for Optimal Health” on Thursday, April 9.
Back Country Horsemen
Do you love the rugged beauty of our Montana wilderness? Does preserving our wilderness trails and making new riding friends sound like fun? Or, would you like to learn how to pack? If so, you’re invited to attend the Selway Pintler Wilderness Back Country Horsemen (SPWBCH) general meeting on Thursday, January 8 at 6:30 p.m. held at the Bitterroot National Forest building located at 1801 N. 1st St. in Hamilton (enter on west side). Along with possible trail projects for 2015, elections will be held along with a convention update. Cookies and coffee will be served. Contact Kathy at 821-0921 for more information.
Lone Rock park board
The Lone Rock Division of the Ravalli County Park Board will meet Thursday, January 8 at 7 p.m. at the Three Mile Fire Hall.
Fellowship Club
The Bitterroot Public Library’s Fellowship Club will be meeting on Thursday, January 8 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. to discuss “The Key to Living the Law of Attraction: A Simple Guide to Creating the Life of Your Dreams” by Jack Canfield and D.D. Watkins.
In this book, best-selling author Jack Canfield, provides his readers with a simple “how to” guide for using the Law of Attraction to create the life they desire.
Canfield shares his knowledge and experience of this universal law and provides proven tools and techniques for its application for personal success. The author clearly explains not only what one needs to know, but what one needs to do in order to attract what is wanted in one’s life. He addresses the important issues of clarity, purpose, and action.
This thought-provoking guide will take the readers step by step through the processes of defining their dreams, goals, and desires. Through increased awareness and empowerment a future filled with love, joy, and abundance becomes possible.
Jack Canfield is an American author and motivational speaker. He is co-author of the “Chicken Soup for the Soul” series, which has more than 250 titles and 500 million copies in print in over 40 languages. Canfield co-authored “The Success Principles” and holds a Guinness Book world record for having seven books on the NYT best-seller list at the same time.
The Fellowship Club meets every second Thursday of the month in the West Meeting Room of the Bitterroot Public Library and is free and open to anyone seeking to promote individual and collective well being.
Call 363-1670, or email for more information.
Cross Country Ski Club
The Bitterroot Cross Country Ski Club will host a program presented by Pat Tucker and Bruce Weide on Thursday, January 8 at 7 p.m. at the Presbyterian Church, 1220 W. Main in Hamilton. On April 10, 2008 a dog and four humans of middling age set off on a self supported expedition down the Escalante Canyon in SE Utah. The humans wore wet suits; their water crafts were inner tubes. The dog ran the bank, except when she accepted ferry rides across the river. It was 20 degrees the first night. The water temperature barely above freezing. Thirty days later they emerged… They made it up as they went along. But thank God they remembered tire pumps and patch kits.
Expedition leader was Ripley, the dog in whose memory this program is dedicated. Karen Savory, Van Keele, Bruce Weide and Pat Tucker, all of whom have been and done many things, rounded out the crew. Come see the photos, hear the stories! Everyone is invited.
Friday, January 9
BPL Story Time
Join storyteller Karen Fields on Friday, January 9 at 10:30 a.m. at the Bitterroot Public Library for an “Out West” story time. Bring those cowgirls, cowboys and buckaroos to the Meeting Room for great stories, songs, and little kid horseshoes! Ya’all come!
South Valley Pachyderm Club
Ron Pifer, President of the North Valley Pachyderm Club, will be the guest speaker at the next meeting of the South Valley Pachyderm Club, Friday, January 9 at 12 noon at BJ’s Restaurant, 900 N. First Street, in Hamilton. Pifer’s presentation will be on the subject: “Global Economics and You.” The South Valley Pachyderm Club is an officially recognized allied organization of the Republican Party. Members of the public are welcome.
Eagles Taco Night
Tacos and more will be available Friday, January 8 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at the Eagles Lodge, 125 N. 2nd, Hamilton. Menu includes tacos, burritos, quesadillas and taco salad. The public is welcome.
Saturday, January 10
Ski bus
The Hamilton Lions Club is once again sponsoring the ski bus program for local youth. The bus takes skiers to Lost Trail Ski Area every Saturday starting January 10 through February 21. The bus loads at Westview Center in Hamilton at 8 a.m., leaving at 8:30 p.m. and returning to Westview by 5 p.m. Tickets can be purchased at the bus for exact (no change, no checks). Cost is $20 for under 13, $30 for 13 and over. Adults are welcome. All skis and boards must be bagged and will be carried in escort vehicle. Boots and lunch can be carried on bus. If rental is needed a signed rental slip must accommodate the rider; sponsors cannot sign slips. Rental forms are available at the bus with rental fees paid at lodge when getting equipment. For more information contact Dr. Dirk Beyer at Big Sky Eye Care, 363-2020.
Good Time Jamboree
The monthly concerts at the Rocky Mountain Grange Hall will resume on Saturday, January 10 at 7 p.m. Renamed the Clem Small Good Time Jamboree, the series honors Clem Small who was instrumental in organizing this series of concerts a number of years ago.
The concert format has been altered slightly with two sets, intermission, and an open jam session for both performers and audience alike and anyone in the community who would like to come and jam with the concert goers and performers. The open jam session will take place during the second half of the program.
Featured performers for this New Year’s concert will be Bob Weber followed by Warren Worth.
The Grange Hall is located south of Hamilton on Hwy 93 just past the Valley Pet Clinic. Admission is free but a $3 donation is suggested to defray expenses of using the hall, especially in times of cold weather. All are invited to attend. Musicians who would like to participate are welcome. For questions and information contact John at 381-2483.
Square dance
Boots n; Calico Square Dance Club will hold a square dance on Saturday, January 10 at the Golden Age Hall, 727 S. 5th in Hamilton. A plus dance will be held at 7 p.m. with a mainstream dance from 7:30 to 9:30 pm. Ray Dunbar will be the caller. Beginner classes will be begin this month through Hamilton High School Adult Education. Call Ray, 370-4414, for more information.
Sunday, January 11
Center for Spiritual Living
The Center for Spiritual Living will host Barb Lucas presenting “Devotional Creativity” on Sunday, January 11 at 10 a.m. Barb is owner of Barb Lucas Counseling, Coaching, and Consulting in Hamilton. Learn how to nurture your creative soul in 2015. Refreshments and conversation follow at 11:15. Come early for Meditation at 9:30 a.m. The Center for Spiritual Living is located at 1720 N. First Street, Suite C in Selway Commons, north of Sears in Hamilton. For further information call Dave at 381-2355 or visit
Accordion Association
5 Valley Accordion Association members are reminded to attend the annual election dinner and dance on Sunday, January 11 with dinner starting at 11:30 a.m. at the Eagles Lodge in Hamilton on 2nd St. with the dance to follow. The price for the dinner to be served by the Eagles Lodge Auxiliary is $12.50 for guests of members and $10.00 for members which is applied to the annual membership fee for 2015. The dance will follow at the Eagles Lodge dance hall approximately from 1 to 4 p.m. The dance is open to the public with the cost of $3.00 for members and $4.00 for nonmembers.
Monday, January 12
Rotary Club
Joanne McCormack, Estate Attorney with Joanne McCormack Law Office, PLLC, will be the featured speaker at the next meeting of the Hamilton Rotary Club, on Monday, January 12 at 12 noon at BJ’s Restaurant, 900 N. 1st Street, Hamilton. McCormack will be discussing Estate Planning. The meeting is open to the public. For further information, call 363-2960.
Driver training course
Signups are underway for the next session of driver training at Stevensville School. Any student who is at least 14-1/2 years of age by Feb. 3, 2015 or older from Stevensville High School or a home school is eligible. Cost is $285 per person with discounts available for qualifying applicants. An informational meeting for Stevensville HS students will be held Monday, January 12 at 12:24 p.m. in room 128 of the high school. Bring a lunch. Out of district or home school students may register by calling John Munk at 777-5539.
Green Thumbs Up
The Green Thumbs Up Garden Club will meet Monday, January 12 at 2 p.m. in the downstairs meeting room of the Bitterroot Public Library in Hamilton. Learn basic principles of permaculture – the conscious design of productive ecosystems that integrate the landscape with the needs of people. Presenter Becky Lovejoy will include a special focus on food forests and hugelkultur – two concepts that can make your home garden more productive with less work!
Stevensville Playhouse auditions
The Stevensville Playhouse announces auditions January 12 and 14 at 7 p.m. for “Alice’s Adventures”! There are jobs and roles for all ages in this adaptation of Lewis Carol’s work, written and directed by Susan McCauley. Whether on stage or behind the scenes this show will be one you will never forget! Scripts are available at the North Public Library. For more info call 360-489-7114 or 777-2722. “Come play at our house!”
Tuesday, January 13
Experiential Art Class
Join Barb Lucas for a 12-part facilitated journey through “The Artist’s Rule – Nurturing Your Creative Soul With Monastic Wisdom” beginning Tuesday, January 13 at 10 a.m. Explore the interplay between contemplation and creativity. Class cost for materials and textbook. The Center for Spiritual Living is located at 1720 N. First Street, Suite C in Selway Commons, north of Sears in Hamilton. For further information call Barb at 531-5699.
Sapphire Quilt Club
The Sapphire Quilt Club will meet Tuesday, January 13 at 7 p.m. at the Stevensville Senior Center, 100 Mission Street. Guest speaker Cameron McMillan from “A Clean Stitch” will be instructing on maintenance and care of your sewing machine. Come join in for lots of fun and info. The club welcomes all quilters, beginning to expert. For more information or questions contact Judy at 363-4676.
Stevi school board
The regular meeting of the Stevensville School Board of Trustees will be Tuesday, January 13 at 7 p.m. in the Stevensville Music Center
Choir Room.