Well, the election is over and the fair levy failed. Perhaps everyone “bit the bullet” so to speak, even the fair board. Let’s look at things to consider if it had passed. First, property owners would, once again, pay the bills. Letting all in free, for instance. Why, when the parking lots were overflowing and cars parked everywhere. People came. Everywhere you look we are seeing “user fees.” You can’t even swim in Como Lake without paying, etc. Look at your tax bill and see all you are paying for now. Two open land levies, pools, hundreds for schools, etc. Then, too, there was a “walking path” included? We have miles of those.
Free admission would have attracted thugs that harass the local kids and exhibitors, drug exchangers, and an element not part of the “family” fair we have now. I showed cattle many years at fairs and saw the animal mutilations, vandalism, and even a kidnapping of a little girl. The thinking seemed to be that more people would spend more money. It wouldn’t cover the lost revenue.
Now, if you wanted to have a “kids” day, a “senior” day, veterans day, etc., do it and get more attendance. The secret is obvious. Have events that will draw more people. Now exhibitors and relatives make up a large portion. The carnival and rodeo always are big draws, but otherwise a couple hours one day to see the exhibits and there is no reason to come again. Things with some excitement (I know you can’t have horseracing), but maybe tractor pulls, ranch rodeos, dog races, 3 on 3 basketball, and a top night show. Night shows are expensive, but we had local western Montana groups come. Maybe some in the afternoon, and more.
The present manager and board have done great work on the appearance and condition of the grounds. Everything centers around the million dollar “building.” There is NO WAY it can produce income to pay the yearly payment and that should have been considered before it was built. Most benefit from the building is for Hamilton, not the county in general. Also, where have the horse shows, horse events, and similar gone to produce some income? We had several hundred Airstream trailers meet here. Took in about $20,000.
With revenue from the state levy, county funds, and income producing, why not cut back or whatever to live within the budget? I don’t believe in criticism without solutions and feel the board might work with members of the community to enhance the fair, other activities, and in turn the income.
Cliff Trexler