Library ‘Food for Fines’
Are your library fines beginning to add up? Why not exchange food for fines? Throughout December the North Valley Public Library will be accepting donations of non-perishable food, small personal care items, and pet food instead of cash to waive library fines. Items will be exchanged at the rate of $1.00 per item, at the discretion of library staff. Donations will benefit the Pantry Partners food bank in Stevensville. This offer applies to only overdue fines, not lost items. North Valley Public Library is located at 208 Main Street, Stevensville. For more information, call the library at 777-5061.
Stevensville Share Tree
The Stevensville Christmas Share Tree program now has tags available for adoption. These tags represent a local child in need of warm clothing. If you are interested in purchasing a gift for a child, select a tag or tags at Farmers State Bank, Rocky Mountain Bank, Ravalli County Bank (inside Super One) or Missoula Federal Credit Union. If you would like to make a donation, you may do so at the banks. For questions, call Beth Perkins at 207-5748.
Florence Share Tree
The Florence Civic Club is organizing for a busy Christmas season with their 10th annual Share Tree project. Judy Heimke and Candi Jerke inaugurated the first tree in 2004 and Candi is still the guiding force for this year’s effort. Patti Doyle, coordinating with Leah Duke, is heading up the Marines’ Toys for Tots program in Florence.
To provide more opportunity for Florence residents to participate in the generosity of the season, there will be six share trees in Florence. Donors can find a tag to fill on any of the trees, and return their gift to the bank for safekeeping. New or gently used toys can be left in one of the ten Toys for Tots boxes in Florence. Because of generous anonymous donors, all of the Florence children represented on the trees will be gifted with a new pair of shoes, new pants, a warm shirt, and a new toy.
If you would like to help this year, you can drop off a toy in a Toys for Tots box and/or you can pick a tag off a Share Tree located throughout Florence.
Share Tree locations: St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Caffe Firenze, Farmers State Bank, Florence Ace Hardware, Florence Carlton School, Florence Carlton Community Church.
Toys For Tots Boxes locations: Physical Therapy Specialists of Florence, Trader Brothers, Farmers State Bank, Florence Elementary School, Florence High School, Florence Ace Hardware, Gary & Leo’s IGA, Florence Therapy and Wellness, and Berard Family Chiropractic.
For more information on how to help, call Ann at 403-6491.
Toys for Tots collection sites
Now collecting new toys through Toys for Tots – local donations stay local! Look for boxes at these locations: HAMILTON – Walgreens, Murdoch’s, The Edge Restaurant/Hamilton Liquor, First Interstate Bank, Albertson’s, Bella Valle Italian Family Restaurant, Quizno’s (Riverside & Lone Pine locations), Ace Hardware, Valley Veterans Organization, Ravalli Bank. CORVALLIS – Corvallis Drug, Ravalli County Bank, Corvallis Primary School. FLORENCE – Farmers State Bank, Gary & Leo’s, Florence Schools, Florence-Carlton Chiropractic, Ace Hardware, Glen’s Café, Florence Boutique. STEVENSVILLE – Farmers State Bank, Rocky Mountain Bank, Valley Drug, Full Moon Saloon, High Country Club, Ravalli County Bank, Stevensville Elementary, Ace Hardware, Lone Rock School, Three Mile Store. VICTOR – Farmers State Bank, Victor Mercantile, Cowboy Troy’s, Victor School. Donate online at For more information, contact Leah Duke, 493-4293 or
Letters to Santa
Children can drop off their letters to Santa at Santa’s Mail Box in front of the Bitterroot Valley Chamber of Commerce office at 105 East Main in Hamilton. All letters will be answered so remember to put your return mailing address on the letters along with first and last names.
Model trains display
The Bitterroot Valley Model Railroad Club has installed a 4′ by 8′ Lionel Train display in the window of the River’s Mist Art Gallery in downtown Stevensville. The display will be running throughout the month of December. Model trains will also be running every Saturday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. until Christmas in the basement of the Kohl Building (behind Valley Drug). Those trains also run every First Friday from 5 to 8 p.m.
Thursday, December 11
Ravalli County Economic Development Authority will hold its regular monthly meeting of the Board of Commissioners on Thursday, December 11 from 3 to 5 p.m. at the RCEDA office, 274 Old Corvallis Road, Hamilton. This meeting is open to the public.
Hospice Celebration of Light
All are welcome to join in the 23rd annual non-denominational Hospice Tree of Lights community remembrance on Thursday, December 11 at 4:30 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church, 1220 W. Main Street, Hamilton. This year’s event once again features the Hamilton High School Choir and First Presbyterian Bell Choir. Following at Marcus Daly Memorial Hospital will be the lighting of the Hospice Tree of Lights and a homemade holiday Goodie Reception in the Hospital Conference Room C. For more information call Marcus Daly Hospice Services at 363-6503.
Genesis House open house
Genesis House will hold its annual open house and Christmas party on Thursday, December 11 at 5:30 p.m. at 116 College Street. A potluck meal and caroling will be the featured activities.
Cross Country Ski Club
The Bitterroot Cross Country Ski Club will host a program on Thursday, December 11 by Dr. Lawrence D. Brouwer, MD on survival preparedness in regards to Hypothermia and Localized Cold Injury. The interactive talk will encompass risks, appearance, and treatment in the field. Dr. Brouwer, a Family Physician, and his wife Kathleen Harder-Brouwer, MD have been in Hamilton since 2001 with their private practice, Ravalli Family Medicine. Bring your questions to learn from an expert how to prepare for winter recreation. The annual Potluck Dinner will begin at 6 p.m. followed by meeting and program at 7:00, at the Presbyterian Church, 1220 W. Main in Hamilton. Everyone is invited to participate.
BPL Fellowship Club
The Bitterroot Public Library’s Fellowship Club will be meeting on Thursday, December 11 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. to discuss the book, “You Can Heal Your Life” by Louise L. Hay.
This book is the message of a person who has crawled out of victimhood, and this aspect of it has had enormous appeal, particularly to women with similar histories.
The essence of Hay’s teaching is love of the self and evaporation of guilt, a process that Hay believes not only makes us mentally free, but physically healthy, as the study of psycho-immunology attests. Affirmations are vital in becoming the person we wish to be, and the book contains many to choose from. All the familiar self-help messages are given attention, including breaking free of limiting thoughts, replacing fear with faith, forgiveness, and understanding that thoughts really do create experiences.
Louise L. Hay is a metaphysical lecturer and teacher, and best-selling author of 20 books, including Heal Your Body and Empowering Women. Since beginning her career as a Science of Mind minister in 1981, she has assisted thousands of people in discovering and using the full potential of their own creative powers for personal growth and self-healing. Hay’s works have been translated into 25 different languages in 33 countries.
The Fellowship Club meets every second Thursday of the month in the West Meeting Room of the Bitterroot Public Library and is free and open to anyone seeking to promote individual and collective well being.
Call 363-1670, or email for more information.
Holiday production
The Stevensville Playhouse presentation of “The Farndale Avenue Housing Estate Townswomen’s Guild Dramatic Society’s Production of a Christmas Carol” has added dates of Thursday, December 11 at 7:30 p.m. and a matinee on Saturday, December 13 at 2 p.m. Show dates are Thursday the 11th, Friday the 12th and Saturday the 13th at 7:30 p.m. with two matinees, Saturday the 13th and Sunday the 14th at 2 p.m. The ladies of Farndale are waiting to entertain you! Tickets can be purchased online at, at Valley Drug in downtown Stevensville and at the theatre by calling 777-2722. Enjoy a little levity during this season of brotherly love and shopping. The Stevensville Playhouse is located at 319 Main Street.
Friday, December 12
Gobbler Giveaway
Sign up now for the Great Gobbler Giveaway in Downtown Hamilton. The Hamilton Downtown Association will give away six frozen turkeys on Friday, December 12, in a drawing to be conducted at 7 p.m. in front of Bitterroot Drug.
The catch? You must be present to win, according to Russ Lawrence, HDA Coordinator. “It’s a bid to bring more people downtown during the holiday season, during the week to drop off entries, as well as for the drawing,” he said. Downtown businesses are all decorated for the season, and many have extended business hours on Friday evenings and Sundays for shoppers’ convenience. It’s a great excuse to visit the businesses, and to take in what they have to offer, according to Lawrence.
The participating businesses are listed on the HDA Facebook page, and on their website, Alternatively, just look for the red gift bag on the counter of many downtown businesses, where entries may be deposited.
The “Great Gobbler Giveaway” is a nod to the traditions of the last century, when such events were more common. To win, simply fill out an entry form in any of the HDA participating member businesses; one entry per person per day per location, but there’s no limit on the total number of entries. No purchase is necessary. Individuals may only claim one turkey.
Then, Lawrence said, clear a space in the freezer and come downtown on Friday, Dec. 12, for the drawing, to see if it’s your name that gets pulled from the basket!
For more information, contact Lawrence at the HDA, (406) 360-9124, or
Friday, December 12
Smart Driver Safety Course
Marcus Daly Hospital is sponsoring a newly designed Smart Driver Safety Course on Friday, December 12 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Marcus Daly Memorial Hospital, Hamilton. The four-hour course will emphasize how driving has changed, new vehicle technologies, safe driving practices and skills, recognizing the importance and benefits of assessing driving skills, and safe driving actions. The state of Montana mandates discounts for qualified drivers. There are no tests or exams to complete. The course is sponsored by AARP and the cost is $15 for AARP members and $20 for non-AARP members. Call 363-6583 to make a reservation and please note that spaced is limited.
South Valley Pachyderm Club
Montana Supreme Court Associate Justice James A. “Jim” Rice will be speaking at the next meeting of the South Valley Pachyderm Club, Friday, December 12 at 12 noon at BJ’s Restaurant, 900 N. First, Hamilton. Justice Rice was appointed to the Supreme Court in 2001 by Governor Judy Martz. He was recently re-elected to his seat on the Supreme Court. The South Valley Pachyderm Club is an officially recognized allied organization of the Republican Party. Members of the public are welcome.
Gobbler Giveaway
Sign up now for the Great Gobbler Giveaway in Downtown Hamilton. The Hamilton Downtown Association will give away six frozen turkeys on Friday, December 12, in a drawing to be conducted at 7 p.m. in front of Bitterroot Drug.
The catch? You must be present to win, according to Russ Lawrence, HDA Coordinator. “It’s a bid to bring more people downtown during the holiday season, during the week to drop off entries, as well as for the drawing,” he said. Downtown businesses are all decorated for the season, and many have extended business hours on Friday evenings and Sundays for shoppers’ convenience. It’s a great excuse to visit the businesses, and to take in what they have to offer, according to Lawrence.
The participating businesses are listed on the HDA Facebook page, and on their website, Alternatively, just look for the red gift bag on the counter of many downtown businesses, where entries may be deposited.
The “Great Gobbler Giveaway” is a nod to the traditions of the last century, when such events were more common. To win, simply fill out an entry form in any of the HDA participating member businesses; one entry per person per day per location, but there’s no limit on the total number of entries. No purchase is necessary. Individuals may only claim one turkey.
Then, Lawrence said, clear a space in the freezer and come downtown on Friday, Dec. 12, for the drawing, to see if it’s your name that gets pulled from the basket!
For more information, contact Lawrence at the HDA, (406) 360-9124, or
Eagles Taco Night
Tacos and more will be served on Friday, December 12 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at the Eagles Lodge, 125 S. 2nd in Hamilton. Tacos, burritos, quesadillas, taco salad and more will be available. The public is invited.
Saturday, December 13
Flea market
A flea market will be held Saturday, December 13 from 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the Hamilton Senior Center, 820 N. 4th in Hamilton. There will be white elephants, new and used, antiques, collectibles, household items, tools, outdoors equipment and much more. Lunch and baked goods will be available. Rent a table for $5 for calling April at 363-0112.
Children’s Christmas Shopping Event
The Stevensville Clothes Closet “Free Store” will again host the annual children’s Christmas shopping event on Saturday, December 13 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Children ages 1 to 15 may select gifts for immediate family members. Adult volunteers will be available to aid in gift selection (if necessary) and wrap presents. Each child will leave with a bag of wrapped gifts ready to be placed under the tree.
If you would like to help with this event by donating new or slightly used Christmas gift items, call Gail Fisher at 777-5694 or 550-3467.
There is no charge to any child participating in this event. However, donations to offset expenses are gratefully accepted.
This is a community sponsored event hosted by the Stevensville Clothes Closet, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. All donations are tax deductible.
Community potluck
American Legion Post 94 Auxiliary will host a Christmas potluck dinner on Saturday, December 13 at 6 p.m. at the American Legion Hall on Middle Burnt Fork Road, east of Stevensville. Everyone is invited. For more information contact Nancy at 777-3569.
Christmas Family Fun Night
Local families and children are invited to “Christmas Family Fun Night,” a holiday celebration scheduled Saturday, December 13 from for 4 to 8 p.m. at the Stevensville High School Multi-Purpose Room. The event is a fundraiser for Bear Mountain Playground and is being organized by two Stevensville High School seniors as their senior project. It will include photos with Santa, ornament making, cookie decorating, kids’ games, a “crazy Christmas” photo booth, pizza and other holiday foods. Families and children of all ages will find a variety of fun and festive activities available.
Winter Picnic
Bitterroot Therapeutic Riding will sponsor a Winter Picnic on Saturday, December 13 from 6 to 11 p.m. at St. Francis Pastoral Center, 411 S. 5th in Hamilton. The celebration will include a buffet and no-host bar, visits with Santa, carriage rides, a dance to the music of Who Dat and a silent auction. Tickets are $25 per person; children 10 and under are admitted free. All proceeds will benefit Bitterroot Therapeutic Riding. Seating is limited. For reservations or more information call 239-7064.
‘Christmas in Stevensville’
The annual community Christmas concert will be held Saturday, December 13 at 6 p.m. at the Stevensville High School gym. Come enjoy the sights and sounds of the Christmas season presented by members of the Stevensville Community Choir (SCC) Association. This is a free event and the public is welcome. Donations will be accepted to benefit the family of Tyler Hennes, 1996-2014.
Square dance club
Boots ‘n Calico Square Dance Club will hold a dance on Saturday, December 13 from 7 to 9:30 p.m. at the Golden Age Hall, 727 S. 5th in Hamilton. A plus dance will run from 7 to 7:30 p.m. with a mainstream dance from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Ray Dunbar will be the caller.
Sunday, December 14
Center for Spiritual Living
The Center for Spiritual Living will host Brett Lewis presenting “The Gifts of Winter” on Sunday, December 14 at 10 a.m. Brett is co-owner of Montana Family Acupuncture in Hamilton. He reveals the hidden gifts of the season. Christmas potluck follows at 11:30 a.m., followed by caroling. Come early for Meditation at 9:30 a.m. The Center for Spiritual Living is located at 1720 N. First Street, Suite C in Selway Commons, north of Sears in Hamilton. For further information call Dave at 381-2355 or visit
Accordion Assn. Christmas party
Come down and join the 5 Valley Accordion Association on Sunday, December 14 at the Rustic Hut in Florence for their Christmas party with music and Christmas goodies sale from 1 to 4 p.m. Admission for members is $3.00 and non-members $4.00. For info call 240-9617.
Monday, December 15
Stevi school menu
Monday: Breakfast – Waffles or yogurt, fruit, toast, milk; Lunch – Cheese-filled breadsticks with marinara sauce, glazed carrots, pears, bread & butter, milk
Tuesday: Breakfast – Muffins or yogurt, fruit, toast, milk; Lunch – Chicken fajita with lettuce & salsa, apples, bread & butter, milk
Wednesday: Breakfast – Cereal or yogurt, fruit, toast, milk; Lunch – Christmas dinner – Turkey & gravy, mashed potatoes, veggies, rolls, bread & butter, milk
Thursday: Breakfast- Pancake on a stick or yogurt, fruit, toast, milk; Lunch – Pulled pork sandwiches, taters, bananas, bread & butter, milk
Friday: Breakfast – Scrambled eggs or yogurt, fruit, toast, milk; Lunch – Corn dogs, baked beans, strawberry cups, bread & butter, milk.
Rotary Club
The Hamilton High School musical group “Guys and Dolls” will be presenting a special Christmas musical program at the next meeting of the Hamilton Rotary Club, on Monday, December 15 at 12 noon at BJ’s Restaurant, 900 N. 1st Street, Hamilton. The meeting is open to the public. For further information call 363-2960.
Hamilton School Bands Winter Concert
The Hamilton Middle & High School Bands will present their annual Winter Concert on Monday, December 15 in the Hamilton High School Performing Arts Center beginning at 7:30pm. The concert will feature the HHS Percussion Ensemble, HMS Concert Band, and the HHS Symphonic Band performing standard wind band literature, as well as some Holiday favorites! The concert is open to the public free of charge and everyone is invited to attend.
Thursday, December 18
Three Mile Community Center
The Three Mile Community Center will meet Thursday, December 18 at 7 p.m. at the Three Mile Fire Hall. Nominations are still open for officers until then. Members can vote, and absentee ballots will be available. Voting closes January 7. Annual membership dues of $5 must be paid in order to vote.
Lutheran Advent service
Our Savior Lutheran Church’s members and the community are urged to remember Advent vesper services on Thursday, December 18, at 7 p.m. Advent, or The Coming, is a time set aside by the Church to prepare for the arrival of the Messiah, Savior, Lamb of God, Prince of Peace. Advent is a time of spiritual preparation, for making hearts ready for the gift of the Christ Child, a time to contemplate the spiritual
aspects of Christmas, the miracle of grace, our undeserved gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, the promised Messiah. To simplify evening worship for hard-working families, the people of Our Savior prepare 6 p.m. soup and sandwich suppers to share. Pick up your family on your way home from work and come for food and fellowship with the members of Our Savior before the service. Our Savior, located at 184 Pine Hollow Road, is affiliated with the Lutheran Church––Missouri Synod. To find the church, head south from Stevensville on the Eastside Highway. One mile past Middle Burnt Fork Road, turn east on Pine Hollow. Cross the tracks and the canal, and the church will be on your left, marked by three crosses.