I’d like to call them the ‘Blade Runners’. The now generation! You know, Stevi’s little young starlets that, sporadically, just before twilight, come whizzing by on their majestically angelic skateboards. They’re the sweetest little things, all fancily arrayed in their selectively chosen skateboard attire – pastel colored hair, bobby socks, make-up and the likes there-of, etc. They never cease to amaze me with their aerobic style new-age maneuvers.
One evening while zooming by, on the down side, returning to their elf-like abodes, I imagine, I had the gumption of stepping out of my own abode, of magic and wonder, to let them know that I was thinking about writing an article for the ‘Star’ on today’s skateboarding generation, and, if they wouldn’t mind if I interviewed them.
The leader of the pack, Alyssa, the queen bee, exquisitely and artistically put together like a Monet, obliged. I politely introduced myself, and she, Alyssa, cordially extended her hand and said, “Nice to meet you.” She couldn’t have been more than 11 years of age. I was amazingly impressed! A very mature young lady with the utmost class and up-bringing, a bright and shinning ‘twilight star’, if I may. Her knightly felines, Anna and Tianna, also equally intriguing, and deservedly so, cordially presented themselves as well. All three were around the same age and deeply connected. BFF’s (Best Friends Forever)? Sweet and uniquely charming Tianna, appeared, metaphorically speaking, to be the baby sister, if you will, dauntingly shy and not forthcoming, so dauntingly shy that she had partially hid herself behind Anna as she softly gave up her name. On the other hand, Anna, proudly and honorably, projected herself as the protector, the warrior goddess. Thus, asserting herself with the utmost allegiance and prowess, and with such due diligence, she, Anna, in very knightly-like fashion, suggested to her queen and the court that they, in the course of the interview, bring along ‘such and such’. Actually, in retrospect, commencing very wizardry-like, she humbly directed her request to the queen, who, in response, curtseyed very queenly-like, and said, “Yes of course.” Again, the love and affection that they had for one and other was extraordinarily unique. Celestially intertwined perhaps? Nonetheless, and on the other hand, it was nice to see that such comradery still exists.
Our encounter didn’t last but for 2 to 3 minutes and they were off, flashing in my mind an inward 2½ somersault in the pike position with a double twist. Thank you, Alyssa, Anna and Tianna for an epic moment in time.
Lorenzo Semeraro
Peruvian Rainforest says
Eloquently written & heartwarming. Also, entertaining & uplifting! A breath of fresh air aside from all that political mudslinging BS. The ‘Star’ should bring Lorenzo on board more often!