Many non-profit organizations are always needing volunteer help with getting projects done and that includes Safe Haven Llama & Alpaca Sanctuary.
GSK Orange Days were held on October 1st and 2nd. After submitting an application, Safe Haven was chosen as one of the non-profits where they would volunteer some time to help out.
On October 1, four volunteers came and helped with some desperately needed fence work. Sheep panels were taken down so new posts could be pounded. New posts were pounded and they put up new no-climb fencing for a new hay area also.
These volunteers did a great job and we appreciate them choosing Safe Haven Llama & Alpaca Sanctuary to volunteer some time to.
Double J Fencing donated a big gate for our hay area and we appreciate their donation.
Safe Haven can always use volunteer help and donations of hay. we may be contacted at 961-4027.
Charlene Hakes
Safe Haven Llama & Alpaca Sanctuary