I am totally fed up with all the hype about “No Box Store” and all the comments made about business downtown being ruined. I think the competition for our dollar would be a healthy move.
I also don’t believe that a store like Walmart or any other box store would be stupid enough to ruin our environment. They ARE interested in local things. For years, at least Walmart has supported local fund raising when it benefited homeless and children… especially during holidays.
I believe that we all would benefit from a store that had prices we could afford and availability of products that we don’t have to order from a catalogue or wait until it can be shipped from a supplier. For instance, I have gone downtown Hamilton and tried to buy pants for my size of Big Men items. The only department store downtown tried to order some pants for me… at a price way above what I wanted to pay, but had to in order to get them. After three months and several trips and phone calls to the store, I still did not receive my order. With no competition for my dollar, I was stuck. Not good business! Maybe this store would be more affordable and do more business if there was a box store that had other choices I could use.
The other store in Hamilton that needs competition is one that combined with another retailer, and has since become more difficult to supply my needs. Catalogue smatalogue! No! I want to try on and inspect before I order or pay. Again, competition in the nearby area would help make this store return to a better place.
The final statement I have to make has been said before, but needs reiterating. That is… no group of petition-signing, keep-it-as-is group has the right to say I can’t choose where I spend my limited income money. If I want to buy less expensive items that fit my needs, I have the right to choose my store. Long live the box store option!
Clay Freeman