Editor’s Note: The following letter is published exactly as submitted.
I just had a friend tell me his granddaughter brought home a text book from school that said we have a democracy form of government. He told his granddaughter that was not true we have a Republic form of government. The girl returned to school and told her teacher what her grandfather had said, and was told by the teacher she was wrong that it is a democracy. How sad when public school teachers don’t know that we are a Republic. What is even sadder is they are teaching our children false information. This is a common core school and is a prime example of the twisted deceiving curriculum that is being forced on our children.
At the Constitutional convention in 1787 gathered outside of Independence Hall a Mrs. Powel asked Benjamin Franklin, Dr. what have we got a republic or monarch. To which Franklin responded a Republic if you can keep it. Folks remember the Pledge Allegiance to the flag? I pledge allegiance to the flag and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands. Not democracy.
Here is the definition: a republic is a representative form of government that is ruled according to a constitution and a democracy is a government that is ruled according to the will of the majority. These two often become confused, but are very different. The main difference is a Constitution limits power in a republic to protects the individual rights against the desires of the majority. In a democracy the majority rules in all cases regardless of any consequences of the individuals or for those who are not in the majority on a issue.
This is just another way our country is being led down the slippery slope to socialism.
Dee Gibney