How amusing that Mr. Cornelius would question my name linked to an anti-Walmart letter, saying he had never seen this before unless it was staff (I’m not); a prominently known “guest” (I’m not); or a syndicated writer (which, sadly, I’m not).
I do, however, have up-close and personal knowledge concerning the harm versus the benefits of a big-box store, namely the obfuscated Walmart, to our valley. I’ve never written of this matter over the years when my name wasn’t required when the information was submitted.
Did you ever stop to think that perhaps no other pro-Big Box store letters were received for that issue?
You say you are a trained journalist. May I ask where there are always both sides speaking up at the same time? Had you perhaps submitted a letter stating your support?
Or are you just upset that basically, most that understand the situation are against it?
Carla McDonald