How terrible is wisdom when it brings no profit to the wise…
The same can be said, I suppose, of cleverness.
Most people don’t go to court, but those that do, likely will stand before a Justice of the Peace, in Ravalli County.
Clever Jim Bailey has just been re-elected…
Justice Jim Bailey is capable of stunning displays of judicial abuse of power. For profit. I got a real solid lesson, over a dog.
I thought, incompetent at first. But No! Clever… to the point of being tricky and sneaky. Further actions, through the power of his court, clearly crossed the line between what is appropriate and what is not. He doesn’t appear to know right from wrong, let alone understanding the law as it is written. It became a big problem for me. And I’m one of the good guys.
Ironically, I’m blessed by encountering this local Justice syndicate, or ‘Star Chamber’, for their absurd display of cynical lawlessness.
I study and write about the human cultural condition and the decline of civilizations. The hidden history is what intrigues me. Like my own personal experiences, here in the place of my birth. Lots to study with real players.
No records of Justice Court are taken or recorded. To process an illegal act by a Justice is hard to prove. There are the factors of time, procedures and costs necessary to peel back the protections afforded the trusted position.
In the meantime, you will have to appeal; and your appeal will be costly and long awaited. With secret judicial discretion in constant flux then there is no law.
Jim Bailey knows all.
It’ll be interesting to watch as the County deals with authoritarian ‘Bunko Artists’ functioning under their noses, pillaging the villagers with impunity. It’s right out of the “Bunko Squad” television series of the early ‘fifties’. Or maybe “Dukes of Hazard”.
Congratulations, Jim! On fooling most of the people, some of the time. Have a good reign.
Paul R. Printz