We are in essential agreement with the letter written by Cheryl Holden Rice of Stevensville published in the Bitterroot Star on October 15, which deals with the impending construction of Eastside Highway from Hidden Valley Road to the Lee Metcalf refuge.
Our property is on this stretch of road which is scheduled to be re-engineered.
A mile and a half to the west of us is Route 93 with speed limits up to 70 mph. In contrast, we feel that Eastside Highway should be reserved for vehicles at a more sedate speed and with dedication of a bicycle/walking path that hopefully at some point in the future will reach all the way to Hamilton and beyond.
We think that your engineering skills can easily accomplish the goal of making Eastside Highway friendly to those citizens who wish to enjoy the peace, tranquility and beauty of the Bitterroot Valley which a bicycle path and a lower speed limit would make possible.
Bill and Julie Hester