For the last several months our family has been living a nightmare that has taken a toll on all of us. We appreciate all the phone calls and letters of support.
My father in law, who wrote part of the present sexual abuse of children law in Montana, in his statewide fight against pornography and obscenity always said that building a fence at the top of the cliff is better than picking up the pieces at the bottom. We fully understand now what the pieces of lives look like that have been affected by pornography and those who have been the victims of someone acting out what they see.
It was very sad to read the article in the Ravalli Republic (about 10 percent of which was true) that was written in such a way as to make our son Brandon look like some kind of a monster. By using material and statements that were not under oath a picture was painted to attempt to destroy him. He did not plead guilty to much of what was written. I don’t know why the Ravalli Republic tends to do that in certain situations but for some they like to exaggerate and use material that may or may not be true to embellish their reporting. The case of Harris Himes comes to mind where the articles reported how he had taken a man’s life savings for a business that didn’t exist. The jury decision was that he took no money at all and evidence was presented to prove the existence of the business. He failed to get a license is basically all that they said he did and that is under appeal.
With some counsel from his Aunt, Brandon decided that he wanted to pay the price to make himself whole again with his God and by paying his debt to society and he knew that would mean giving up years of his life. The article said that someone had come forward reporting what Brandon had done. The truth is that no one, other than the victims, knew about it until Brandon stepped forward. I believe his courage in doing so really tells the story about Brandon. I have never known anyone to do that and have spoken with people in law enforcement and counselors who share the feeling that what Brandon did by turning himself in is highly unusual.
Walking in his shoes through this ordeal I have learned many things about the “system” of handling these cases and much of it is not good. At one point people who we thought were friends conspired to take a photo of him attending church even though he was there with his wife and grandparents. A member of the congregation took a photo of him sitting on a pew in front of a family and another member signed an affidavit that he had seen him “at church” and then the County Attorney filed a motion to revoke the bond that had been posted for his release for the purpose of putting him back in jail. Before the County Attorney could even present his “evidence” the wise judge, who was clearly perplexed, noticed that the wording from Justice Court on his bond release did not allow Brandon to “have contact with minors” without defining what that meant. Judge Langton saw the dilemma that it put Brandon in by saying “He can’t even go grocery shopping.” He then asked Brandon and his attorney if they wanted clarification and both replied that they did. Judge Langton, to his credit, then clarified that when he went to church or other places where minors might be present he always had to have his wife with him or his grandmother.
One of the things I would like to see changed to protect others who may find themselves in Brandon’s situation is that the court rulings be less vague and specify certain people who could accompany them to attend church if they so desire or to do the normal everyday things that need to be done. I am sure that most Judges, and I hope other officials, want people to be in church during this time of their lives. Around the nation much healing has happened through spiritual healing and help when people being able to still worship as they please seek that forgiveness from God who promises it and can do so.
We remind people of the true account of another person caught in sin. A sin of adultery even next to murder in seriousness according to the list God prepared. In this situation the person was a woman being pursued by a mob holding rocks ready to stone her to death according to the law at the time. Someone asked this great man what they should do to the sinner. He knelt and wrote something in the sand and then said “he (/she) that was without sin should cast the first stone.” The crowd dropped their stones (and their newspaper articles) and started to walk off consumed with guilt. When left alone the Man/God then said to the woman “has no man condemned you?” She said “No man has condemned me.” Then Jesus said to her “Neither do I condemn you, go, and sin no more.”
Most of his transgressions happened when Brandon was just starting into his teens but he is ready and willing to do everything he needs to do to pay his debt to his God and his country so that he can be in the good graces of both.
Please don’t condemn him for his mistakes or for the falsehoods printed in the paper but allow him to follow his dream to be forgiven and hear those words from his God, his victims, and his family and friends.
He is setting an example for us all by turning himself in and we pray that he will suffer as little as necessary to pay his debts. We encourage parents to be vigilant against material and teachers that encourage the sins that our God has warned us will cause heartbreak and sorrow.
We send our love to our friends and family in Montana.
Kevin & Mya Fadely
Mapleton UT