We would like to thank the citizens of Stevensville and surrounding communities for their generous support of the United Methodist Women’s annual Fall Bazaar and Luncheon which was held on Oct. 26. This year our proceeds were over $6700, our largest yet!
About a third of these proceeds will go to Bitterroot Valley non-profits including Pantry Partners, the Clothes Closet, the WIC program, the Sharing Tree, SAFE, the Bitterroot Youth Home, Emma’s House, and our Loaves and Fishes fund to help the needy. Another portion of our proceeds goes to Intermountain Children’s Home in Helena, the Blackfeet United Methodist Mission, Flathead UMC Camp, and college or pre-school scholarships for deserving students. The final third plus additional money will be given through the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR). In 2014 we have elected to fund clinics and supplies in countries suffering from the ebola crisis, for water pumps in third world countries and in places where disaster strikes, to build homes in the Philippines for families devastated by typhoon Hayian, and to other programs for women and children that fight hunger and poverty, assist the displaced and respond promptly to disasters. Again, thank you for your generosity. You make God smile.
Hazel Smith, Social Actions, UMW
Stevensville United Methodist Church