Library ‘Food for Fines’
Are your library fines beginning to add up? Why not exchange food for fines? Throughout December the North Valley Public Library will be accepting donations of non-perishable food, small personal care items, and pet food instead of cash to waive library fines. Items will be exchanged at the rate of $1.00 per item, at the discretion of library staff. Donations will benefit the Pantry Partners food bank in Stevensville. This offer applies to only overdue fines, not lost items. North Valley Public Library is located at 208 Main Street, Stevensville. For more information, call the library at 777-5061.
Coat Drive
While the need for warm coats has never been greater, it has also never been easier to meet this vital need in our community. The Bitterroot Valley Giving Back Club invites area residents to join them in an effort to ensure that no one goes without a warm coat this winter. The serviced-based club is holding a One Warm Coat drive and will be collecting clean, gently used warm coats. The coat drive program provides an easy way for individuals and families to make a difference in the lives of their neighbors by simply passing along women’s, men’s and children‘s coats and jackets that are no longer needed.
The coat drive will begin Wednesday, November 12 and end Sunday, November 30. Coat donations can be dropped off at 10 businesses throughout the Bitterroot Valley. Coat drop-off locations are Darby Distribution, Murdoch’s Ranch & Home Supply, Lakeland Feed & Supply, Hamilton Super 1, Bitterroot Valley Board of Realtors, Corvallis Drug, Bitterroot Stoves & Billiards, Victor Merc, Valley Drug & Variety, and Gary & Leo’s IGA. Once the coats are collected, they will be given to non-profit organizations who will then distribute them to people in need throughout the Bitterroot Valley. Organizations receiving the coats will include SAFE, Emma’s House, Council on Aging, Youth Home of the Bitterroot, Darby Food Bank and Pantry Partners. Anyone that knows a person or family in need of warm coats can also contact coat organizer Tracy Walczak at 360-4662 to request coats on behalf of their neighbors in need.
Stevensville Share Tree
The Stevensville Share Tree Program is in need of donations and volunteers! Last year, the program assisted 364 local children in 246 families with warm clothing and toys for Christmas. The cost for each child is about $30-$50. If you are able to make a much needed donation, make your check payable to either Beth Perkins or First Baptist Church and send it to 4000 Houk Way, Stevensville MT 59870. If you’d like to volunteer or have any questions, call Beth at 207-5748.
Florence Share Tree
The Florence Civic Club is organizing for a busy Christmas season with their 10th annual Share Tree project. Judy Heimke and Candi Jerke inaugurated the first tree in 2004 and Candi is still the guiding force for this year’s effort. Patti Doyle, coordinating with Leah Duke, is heading up the Marines’ Toys for Tots program in Florence.
To provide more opportunity for Florence residents to participate in the generosity of the season, there will be six share trees in Florence. Donors can find a tag to fill on any of the trees, and return their gift to the bank for safekeeping. New or gently used toys can be left in one of the ten Toys for Tots boxes in Florence. Because of generous anonymous donors, all of the Florence children represented on the trees will be gifted with a new pair of shoes, new pants, a warm shirt, and a new toy.
Florence Share Tree locations: St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Caffe Firenze, Farmers State Bank, Florence Ace Hardware, Florence Carton School, Florence Carlton Community Church.
Toys for Tots locations: Trader Bothers, Farmers State, Bank, Florence Elementary School, Florence High School, Florence Ace Hardware, Gary & Leo’s Florence IGA, Florence Physical Therapy, Physical Therapy of Florence, Berard Family Chiropractic.
Some locations start earlier than others to display tags, but tags will be widely available after Nov. 29, final date for return is Dec. 15.
Local families in need are encouraged to register with Pantry Partners in Stevensville, 777-0351. Pantry Partner families will receive a large box of food, and gifts and toys for their minor children from generous local donors. Registration closes Dec. 12 – local distribution of food and gifts is Dec. 18. Questions? Share Trees – call 273-3363. Toy Boxes – call 546-9829.
Wednesday, November 19
Center for Spiritual Living
The Center for Spiritual Living invites everyone to “Exploring Mindfulness Using Heart-Math” on Wednesday, November 19 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Center in Hamilton with Z’eva Singer and Dave Schultz. Learn to use the intelligence of your heart in concert with your mind to enjoy resilient, healthy lives. The Center for Spiritual Living is located at 1720 N. First Street, Suite C in Selway Commons, north of Sears in Hamilton. For information, contact Dave at 381-2355.
Thursday, November 20
Back Country Horsemen
Bitter Root Back Country Horsemen host their monthly meeting on Thursday, November 20, at the Corvallis School Cafeteria on Eastside Highway in Corvallis. A delicious Thanksgiving dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m. and the general meeting starts at 7:00. Elections for 2015 officers and directors will take place, and Katie Knotek, acting forest recreation manager, will discuss equine recreation opportunities on the Bitterroot National Forest. Julie King, BNF supervisor, and Deb Gale, BNF wilderness trails program manager, will also attend. Photos of the Sam Billings horse campground project will be shown before the meeting and during the meal. Guests are welcome, and for more information call Karen at 961-0101 or check the website at
Trout Unlimited
The next Bitterroot TU meeting will be Thursday, November 20 at 7 p.m. at the Hamilton Elks Lodge in Hamilton. Mark Aagenes, Conservation Director for Montana TU, will present “The 2015 Montana Legislature: lurking dangers for our trout and streams.” Since 2005, Montana TU has sent Mark Aagenes up to the Capitol to defend anglers’ rights and to fight for better stream protection and fish habitat. Mark will be here to discuss a plethora of threats to our fisheries, streams, and public access. These include the proposed copper mine on the Smith, local and state water issues, and stream access. Come learn how Montana TU plans to fight for our trout and streams, and how you as a TU member can help. The public is invited to attend and there is no charge for admission.
Eagles Auxiliary anniversary celebration
The Eagles Auxiliary will hold an Anniversary Ceremony to celebrate 75 years of existence and service at its regular meeting on Thursday, November 20 at 7 p.m. at the Eagles Lodge, 125 N. 2nd in Hamilton. All Auxiliary members are encouraged to attend.
Three Mile Community Center
The Three Mile Community Center will meet Thursday, November 20 at 7 p.m. Nominations for officers will be presented. If you want to be nominated, or nominate someone, call Allen Marden, 701-425-2944 or Ed Spencer, 406-214-6331.
Dances of Universal Peace
A new season of the Dances of Universal Peace will begin on Thursday, November 20, at 7 p.m. at Crescent House Healing & Arts Center, 258 Roosevelt Lane, Hamilton. These are simple, meditative, joyous circle dances that use sacred phrases, chants, music and movements from many of the world’s wisdom traditions. No performers, or audience! Participants join hands and the Dance leader guides the group with words, movements and melody. Live music! No dance or musical experience is necessary, and everyone is welcome to come. $3 donation. Call Star or Brian at 363-4026 for more information.
Stevi school board special meeting
The Stevensville School Board of Trustees will hold a Special Board Meeting on Thursday, November 20, at 7 p.m. in the Stevensville Music Center Choir Room for a personnel issue and expulsion hearing.
Friday, November 21
Driver safety course
Marcus Daly Hospital is sponsoring a newly designed Smart Driver Safety Course for 2014. The four (4) hour course will emphasize how driving has changed, new vehicle technologies, safe driving practices and skills, recognizing the importance and benefits of assessing driving skills, and safe driving actions. The course will be presented on Friday, November 21 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Marcus Daly Memorial Hospital, Hamilton. The state of Montana mandates discounts for qualified drivers. There are no tests or exams to complete. The course is sponsored by AARP and the cost is $15 for AARP members and $20 for non-AARP members. Call 363-6583 to make a reservation. Space is limited.
North Valley Library Book Sale
Big, bigger, biggest Book Sale at the Community Room of the North Valley Public Library, Main Street, Stevensville, for three days instead of the usual two: Friday and Saturday, November 21 and 22, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Sunday, November 23, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. More books than ever before. History books and mystery books, romance and how-to-dance, classic books and cookbooks to name only a few of the choices. A chance to find all kinds of videos and DVD’s for children and adults, and CD’s, too. Time to stock up for winter reading and entertainment. Come see for yourself. Remember, all you can carry just for a donation. Light refreshments served.
North Valley Pachyderm Club
The North Valley Pachyderm Club will meet Friday, November 21 at 12 noon at the Frontier Café, Hwy 93 in Stevensville. Guest speaker will be Terry Nelson who will talk about the lawsuit to close Primary Elections, how it came about and where it is now. This will be the club’s Thanksgiving Lunch with turkey and all the trimmings. The North Valley Pachyderm Club is an educational arm of the Republican Party. All are welcome.
Book reading
Local author Jennifer De Groot will share her book, “The Life and Legacy of Marcus Daly” with a reading and activity for elementary school children followed by a book signing on Friday, November 21 at 5 p.m. at the Bitterroot Public Library in Hamilton. Contact the library at 363-1670 for more information.
Eagles dinner
The Eagles Auxiliary will be serving pulled pork sandwich with potato salad and brownie for $5.00 on Friday, November 21 from 6 to 7 p.m. (or until they run out, whichever comes first) at 125 N. 2nd, Hamilton. Proceeds will benefit Madam President’s project, “Wings over the Bitterroot.”
Museum Gallery of Trees
The 3rd annual Gallery of Trees event will be held Friday, November 21 at 6 p.m. at the Ravalli County Museum, 205 Bedford, Hamilton. Enjoy a myriad of beautiful trees decorated by generous sponsors. A selection of the trees will be auctioned off with the choice of keeping the tree or giving it to a deserving organization. This year’s holiday festivities will also include a “trip down memory lane” in the form of a vintage advent calendar display. The community has come together to share calendars from their collections as well as joined in the creation of new calendars for the display and the auction. The Museum is already lit up with holiday décor and alive with the warmth of the community coming together in celebration. A 10% discount will be offered in the Museum gift shop through Christmas (Members always get a 15% discount). Light refreshments will be served. All proceeds will benefit the Ravalli County Museum and Historical Society. For more information, contact the Ravalli County Museum at 363-3338.
Eagles benefit dance
Get your country on! A good ol’ country-western dance will be held Friday, November 21 from 7:30 to 11:30 p.m. at the Eagles Lodge, 125 N. 2nd Street in Hamilton. Come 2-step the night away to the sounds of the “New” Northern Lights Band. $5.00 entry with net proceeds benefiting the Eagles charities. For more information, call 546-9079 or 562-307-5381.
Golden Age dance
Come down to the Golden Age Hall in Hamilton on Friday nights for live dance bands from 7:30 to 10 p.m. This is a non-alcoholic, non-smoking venue. Potluck snacks served at music break. Cost is $3.00 per person. For info, call 406-240-9617.
Saturday, November 22
St. Francis bazaar
St. Francis Parish Holiday Bazaar will be held Saturday, November 22 from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Pastoral Center, 411 S. 5th in Hamilton. This is a great opportunity to start your early Christmas shopping. The activities include the sale of homemade baked goods, handmade crafts and quilts, religious items, new and gently used items antiques. There will also be an amazing raffle. Come to enjoy coffee and doughnuts and later a luncheon.
Pasties and pie sale
Stevensville Senior Center will have a Pasties & Homemade Pie fundraiser for the first time on Saturday, November 22 at the Senior Center in Stevensville. The pasties will be made with beef and the usual vegetables and spices. Pies will be pumpkin, apple or cherry. The pasties can be ordered baked or unbaked. Place your order by Wednesday, November 19. Call Patty at 777-1721 or Diane at 777-3759 and tell them how many pasties cooked or uncooked and how many pies. Pasties are $3.50 each and pies are $9.00 each. Pasties and pies need to be picked up at the Stevensville Senior Center on Saturday, November 22 between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.
Festival of Wreaths Gala
Plan to join the Bitter Root Humane Association for an evening of holiday fun and festivities at the beautiful historic Daly Mansion. The Festival of Wreaths fundraising event will be held on Saturday, November 22 from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Party goers will experience the “taste, sights and sounds” of the Bitterroot with delicious appetizers and decadent desserts, a no-host bar and live holiday music by harpist Jane Shigley while previewing the live and silent auction gallery of everlasting wreaths which have been created and decorated by area businesses and artists. New this year, an offering of individually priced decorated fresh wreaths, swags, antique ornaments and a raffle of gift baskets that will surely round out your gift giving list. Get into the holiday spirit and support the animal shelter. Advance tickets at $20 each are recommended and may be purchased at the BRHA Animal Shelter, 262 Fairgrounds Road in Hamilton, or by calling Michele Craig at (406) 210-1375. A limited number of tickets may be available at the door.
Shepherds House open house
A Holiday Open House will be held Saturday, November 22 from 5 to 8 p.m. at Shepherds House, 1402 S. 1st St, Hamilton. The event will include a lovely evening of music by the Mountain Strings Quartet along with some delicious hors d’oeuvres and an opportunity to get ahead on some Christmas gifts at the preview of the Country Store.
Shepherds House is a residential, transitional sober-living home for women founded by HEART (Hamilton Emergency Assistance Response Team) Ministry, a chaplaincy program in Ravalli County that began to serve First Responders and grew to serve in Jail Ministry. HEART Ministry helps women transition out of poor life decisions/circumstances into responsible and productive Christ-like lives.
For more information or directions, contact Valerie at 406-853-2657.
Square dance club
Boots n’ Calico Square Dance Club will hold a dance on Saturday, November 22 at the old Jefferson School gym, 727 S. 5th in Hamilton. Ray Dunbar will be the caller. A plus dance will be from 7 to 7:30 p.m. with a mainstream dance with plus tips to follow at 7:30 p.m.
BPAC concert
An evening of soul-filled music with two of the nation’s most engaging artists, Grammy-nominated cellist Matt Haimovitz and acclaimed pianist and host of NPR’s From the Top Christopher O’Riley, will be held Saturday, November 22 at 8 p.m. at the Hamilton Performing Arts Center. Both musicians are considered rock stars of the classical music world, each known for engaging a new generation and blurring the lines between classical and a wide range of other popular music genres—including rock. In this exciting concert, the celebrated artists will perform from a diverse playlist, including works by Stravinsky, Piazzolla, Radiohead, John McLaughlin and Arcade Fire.
The Bitterroot Performing Arts Council Box Office is located at 127 West Main Street in Hamilton, open Tuesday through Thursday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. or Fridays and Performance Days from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; phone 363-7946 or on the web at Bitterroot Performing Arts Council uses Vendini for ticketing, marketing, and box office management, 1 (800) 901-7173.