I won’t be around in 2050. But my grandchildren and great grandchildren will be, God willing. Hopefully by then they’ll have grandchildren of their own. But what kind of planet will they inherit?
This August was yet another all-time hottest in recorded history for the planet. These aren’t the kind of records that make you warm and fuzzy inside.
The existence and impact of global warming and climate change are irrefutable. The climate deniers have their head so far in the ground they’re poking up through China, yet even the Chinese admit climate change is real, and are taking more significant steps than we are. Plus, they’re selling us Americans green technologies. Shouldn’t we be the entrepreneurs and capitalists in all this?
Scientist James Powers was appointed by both Presidents Reagan and HW Bush to the National Science Board. Powers recently did an exhaustive review of 25,182 scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals on climate change.
How many of these research articles rejected human-driven global warming? A grand total of 26. That’s nearly 1 in 1000.
If some almighty being told you there was a 99.9% chance that, unless you act quickly and decisively, your grandchildren will be living on a planet so altered that their lives and livelihoods would be in peril, would you act? Of course you would.
Well, these dedicated scientists aren’t almighty, but they’re telling us the truth based on their exhaustive research.
We need to act, for if we don’t, our planet will not be livable and we’ll have much explaining to do when our grandchildren ask us why we didn’t. As individuals we can make small differences, but to bend the global warming curve, we need policy makers (i.e. politicians!) with spines who’ll act. Come November vote for courage, truth, and our grandchildren’s future.
Doris Adam