Fear makes life easier for Republican politicians: “Be afraid of ISIS! Be afraid of Ebola! Be afraid of losing your guns!” Because as long as Americans panic over the non-issues of the day, real issues that affect everyday people—like greedy corporations calling the shots and climate change—become afterthoughts.
And once Republicans have Americans shaking in their shoes, it becomes much easier for them to sell their favorite fear, “Too much government regulation is destroying our country!” That talking point sounds so frightening that few Americans stop to think about what it really means: close to unrestricted freedom for mega-corporations to pollute our planet, cheat on their taxes, and extract our natural resources.
Don’t let fear cause you to vote against yourself (and our children and grandchildren) this election. Remember: if a candidate has an “R” after their name on the ballot, it means they answer to the filthy Rich, and it’s best to Reconsider voting for someone who couldn’t care less if our public lands, clean air, and clean water are Repossessed.
Marty Essen