I am happy for Jerry E. Shaw that he is so easily entertained as mentioned in his November 13 letter to the Bitterroot Star. I must admit that I find his comments laughable and unsupported. If I have close mindedness, then he must have closed mindedness.
In typical liberal fashion, Shaw attempts two different commenting approaches. First, he tries to change the subject of discussion to the approval rating of Congress when my point was on the big whoppers that the President has told Americans. Secondly, when liberals don’t have anything intelligent to offer, they resort to shallow personal attacks and shallow liberal talking points.
Further, Shaw suggests that Republicans could have worked with Democrats in creating a health care plan that would work for everyone. Shaw plainly doesn’t remember reality. The fact is that Republicans provided input before Obamacare was passed but Democrats would have nothing to do with that and rammed the Democrats’ Obamacare debacle down America’s throat!
Recent events show liberal Democrats are beginning to understand the reality of how Obamacare is damaging America and want to introduce legislation to minimize such an impact. Even liberals sometimes realize that they must face reality!
It is worthy to note that my comments about Obama’s big whoppers went unchallenged. Challenging reality is an impossible task!
Jerry Haslip