So now Commissioner Foss wants County tax money to fund membership in a political lobbyist organization supporting one of her favorite TParty causes. The organization calls itself ‘American Lands Council’. What a deception. It’s more like anti-American Lands Council. They advocate handing our NATIONAL public lands over to local control. Can you imagine Commissioner Foss, et al, managing the Bitterroot National Forest? They can’t even keep county roads maintained, which is one of their fundamental duties.
Local control would clearly lead to privatization of public lands, as was the goal of the discredited and failed “Sagebrush Rebellion.” We have plenty of local examples of what happens with public access to blocks of land owned by wealthy private interests. This deceptive ploy is yet another example of the inability of Foss, et al, to understand the implications of their blind ideology. Do we really want to be left looking longingly over the walls of the ‘king’s’ hunting preserve? I would think even, or maybe especially, TParty folks would rebel at that.
Anybody who values our NATIONAL public lands needs to wake up, stand up and speak out. Plan to attend the public meeting on December 11 at 6:30 p.m. at the Eagles Lodge to see for yourself what Foss is proposing and think about where that path leads.
Larry Campbell