Trying to rationalize her vote against Bitterrooters relying on Title X low-income health care (Valley Viewpoint, 10/10/13), Commissioner Foss sets up a flimsy straw man to argue with and then loses the argument. She claims, “Morality has been the heartbeat of this wondrous and unique nation… Those who first stepped upon our shore did so seeking religious freedom.” Setting aside who got here first and the morality of seizing Indian land by force, the fact is morality is not the same as religion. Religion is a membership institution. Many religious people lack morality; many moral people do not sign up for a religion.
Foss throws in an irrelevant lick against socialism (an economic philosophy) equating it with a stance of “freedom from religion”. Those things are also not the same. Fact is, many socialists and citizens of nations with socialized medicine are strongly religious; visit Canada or India for examples.
Foss then tries out a medical argument, claiming concern that “little to no research is out on what the long-term effects of these carcinogens [oral contraceptive] are…” Maybe I should not point out that this is true of many pharmaceuticals for fear that Foss may shut down Medicare.
Foss is being very selective in her concerns, not representing the public will in her elected position in our supposedly representative democracy. According to the US Constitution, faithful and wise representation is the foundation of our liberty in this “wondrous nation”, not the Judeo-Christian religion, as Foss claims.
Foss should represent the health and happiness of people of this county, not her gerrymandered religious viewpoint.
In spite of Foss’ version, I do not believe Christianity requires throwing the poor under the bus. I believe it includes healing the poor and something called love.
Larry Campbell