The Ravalli County Commissioners are reviewing, for possible adoption, a resolution that deals with buildings for rent or lease as per Senate Bill 324. Information about this new law and any requirements for Ravalli County in regard to changes within the county’s subdivision regulations will be discussed at a public hearing on Wednesday, August 28th at 9 a.m. in the Commissioners’ conference room at 215 S. 4th Street (3rd Floor), Hamilton. Due to a conflict in the commissioners’ schedule, the August 28th hearing will be a brief discussion and will then be continued to August 30th at 9 a.m. at which time public comments and questions will be taken. Information about this Senate Bill will be available in print form to any member of the public at both hearings.
Information about this Senate bill is also available on the county’s web site: Click on Planning and then on Buildings for Lease or Rent. You may also contact the Planning Department at 363-2733 for further information or the Commissioners’ Office at 375-6500.