In light of the recent tragedy in Newtown CT, schools across the nation are looking for effective ways to protect the kids they’re entrusted with. Lone Rock School is no different in its desire to be proactive in protecting our kids.
Towards that end, there are a number of things we’ve been doing lately to do just that.
We are looking at procedures and equipment that will make our campus more secure from those who would try to harm our kids. Some of these procedures may take some getting used to, as their intent is to make it more difficult for unauthorized individuals to access the buildings on the campus. This is a necessary step, and we hope that those affected will understand that reality.
Lone Rock is also making moves to join a growing list of schools in western Montana that are adopting a comprehensive anti-bullying program called Olweus. If all goes well, we’ll hope to institute that program with the next new school season. In addition, we have a parent, who is also involved with local youth law enforcement, holding parenting meetings every few months to help keep parents abreast of things to watch for, and ways to help our kids navigate the challenges they face. The next meeting will be March 21st from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the middle school library. There will be an additional representative of Ravalli County law enforcement making a presentation at that time regarding bullying, and cyber bullying.
Can we stop all of these issues? Probably not. These problems have existed forever, but if we can stop this for one youngster, or two, or maybe even start to promote a different culture that will lead to a better atmosphere for all of our kids, isn’t that worth all of the effort that we can give? It really is our responsibility as parents and educators to actively promote a safe learning environment for our kids at school. Please come and join us on the 21st . We’ll have the coffee on.
Dan Metully, Chairman
Lone Rock School Board