Unlike reform, radical social change is “fixing” things on a grand scale – the old order has to be uprooted and destroyed. For us Americans, that means this: Gays, who all think alike and have the same social agenda, whether positioned within the media or within government, are not to suffer anything – in particular, Judeo-Christian theology, etc. – that impedes gay marriage and full legitimization of the gay lifestyle. Since open violence is not an option in US, to empower themselves gays must obstruct their opposition. Enviromentalism, political correctness, onerous crippling regulation, etc. are but some of their ways of so doing.
If you sense or accurately perceive that our government – federal, state, and some local city-county – has assumed a poorly concealed “tyrannical” air, you are correct. Bill and Hillary Clinton waged war on some Americans – the Waco, Texas Christians, some Montana Freemen, etc. – and opened wide our southern border gates. Recall how many Americans in the public sector (Oklahoma City) and in the private sector (Waco, Texas) died because of government foolishness during the Clinton-era. That “tyrannical” oppression of gay-negative Americans continues in the Obama Administration – persecution of the rich, high taxes and suffocating national debt. Should you experience any painful, lingering doubts about the “tyrannical” character of the Obama Administration, ask yourself why it desires to make the new, forced, automatic spending cuts unnecessarily painful for Establishment-Americans.
In any debate, the presumption lies on the side of the negative – the burden of proof lies upon the affirmative (“He who asserts, must prove.”). That’s because the existing status quo at any time is taken to be the best that human reason has to offer – if you wish to change the status quo, you must prove your case.
Comes now two agencies – USFS and DNRC – of activist governments wanting to change the status quo, in respect of water rights, in Ravalli County. At first glance it might seem that USFS and DNRC believe the water rights system in place is badly flawed, but if they truly felt that to be the case, why didn’t they speak up long ago? Why wait until we have in place a Republican County Commission?
The following conversation occurred on the Salish-Kootenai Indian Reservation. A former employer of mine, a retired logger, owned a 400 acre ranch in the Arlee-area and had complained to the Tribal Council about his irrigation water. Out to answer the complainant came the Tribal Council Chairman.
Chairman (getting out of his car): “What’s the problem?”
Logger: “Well, you guys keep shutting my irrigation water off, and my wells aren’t enough to water my place.”
Chairman (pointing at the sky): “See those clouds up there. We own that water. And (pointing at the ground) we own the water under the surface of this ground. Now if you want, we’ll come down and put some meters on your wells.”
Immediately recognizing a hopeless situation, my old boss put his ranch up for sale.
The ancient Greeks left behind a huge Wooden Horse as a gift to the Trojans. They rolled it within the walls of ancient Troy and it destroyed them. They had underestimated the cunning of the Greeks. “Beware of Greeks bearing gifts.”
No. More accurately: “Beware of activist bureaucrats bearing gifts.” The notion that if USFS, DNRC, and the Tribe become involved in the water rights system in place, then Ravalli County will become better and more beneficial for all of us is a Wooden Horse – buy that and you may wind up with a meter on your water well.
Leon Salois