Our government is rapidly approaching the “debt ceiling” and congressional action is required before it can be increased.
If our country is to be saved from fiscal irresponsibility, House Republicans must stand steadfastly against any debt ceiling increase without very significant spending cuts, period. Tax and spend liberals are more than willing to spend money neither we, nor our descendents, can afford! Plainly, we just can’t continue to spend roughly $3.5 trillion a year when our revenue is only about $2.5 trillion a year! Such unbridled spending is a rapidly growing cancer that will lead to the death of our economy and American future! Corrective action is mandatory!
A significant number of our electorate and our congressional leaders, plus our idiot President are oblivious to this cancerous spending problem. When will a sufficient number of our unthinking liberals and electorate awaken? What will it take? Will we have to become a second Greece? Moody’s has already indicated that our government’s credit rating will likely be revised downward should such a spending versus revenue trend continue. Without such a trend reversal, we eventually will have increasing difficulty in borrowing sufficient money to finance our cancerous spending growth. Eventually, a time would come when the American dollar is no longer accepted as the world money standard and our debt will become ballistic! It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that one out!
If you are a parent, ask yourself this question – do I want my children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren to remember me as an ancestor who allowed their future to be blown into the wind, or an ancestor requiring/insisting that corrective action be taken before it is too late?
Jerry Haslip