Social Security was one of the best programs that Franklin D. Roosevelt started for the Seniors. FDR set this up so that the American workers would have a guaranteed income after retirement. this is not an “entitlement” or “gift” from our government; we paid our share and expect every penny back with interest.
This “Trust Fund” during the past years when interest rates were high, was making money, our investment.
Our greedy politicians saw a big ripe fund that was appealing to them for “pork barrel” projects. Instead of taking our fund money, they should have reduced the FICA tax for one year which would have lowered the surplus. The next year the FICA tax would again be in force. We could loan some of that money to the politicians with payback in no longer than five years and with interest at the going rate of the time.
FDR mandated that the “Fund” would only be used for the retirees, and not put in a general fund where it was at the mercy of our greedy government officials.
We need to get our jobs back from overseas. The FICA tax on those workers would add to the fund which will allow workers in the retirement age group to retire and enjoy life. The retiring workers would create job openings for new employees.
I am just an 88 year old retiree and WWII Air Force Vet, and very concerned about what my children and grandchildren can look forward to in their retirement years. God Bless America.
I will accept change only if the advantages exceed the disadvantages.
I see no advantages in the current changes of our Social Security system.
Loring C. White, Sr.