By Ann Bethea (for) Florence Civic Club
In 1980, when Steve and Sue Schertenleib first bought the market in downtown Florence (then called Economy IGA), there were two shelves of books which were informally borrowed and donated by grocery patrons. The Schertenleibs conducted a survey to assess the level of use and interest. The positive response and offer of support by the Florence Civic Club resulted in a dedicated space for the IGA Library.
The founders of the present day lGA Library – Betty Davis, Gladys Roberts, Ruth Matkin, and Gladys Ostrom –called on Bill Towe of the Florence Civic Club to build the shelves. They are still in use in the popular library which can be found just to the left of the dairy case eggs at Gary and Leo’s IGA in Florence. A generous grant from the Rapp Foundation in 2005 has allowed for the purchase of new books every year to supplement those which are donated.
After 30 years of service, Sue Schertenleib recently transferred the library stewardship to local retired librarian Eleanor McCullough. Eleanor is assisted by Susan Inman, Margery Watkins, and others. Interested citizens can contact Eleanor at 273-2456 regarding volunteer opportunities and donations.
The community is grateful to the Schertenleibs for their generosity and foresight, and the Florence Gary & Leo’s IGA for their support of the “between the cheese and eggs” IGA Library.