It has been my pleasure to get to know candidate Dan Metully, who
is running for the state senate in district 45. He is well known in
the Lone Rock area since he serves as chair of the Lone Rock School
Board in his third term on the board. He grew up in Stevensville,
graduated from Stevensville High School, and has been a resident of
Montana most of his life.
Professionally, Dan Metully runs a freight brokerage in
Stevensville, moving freight across the U.S., handling whatever
problems that arise and mediating disputes.
Dan Metully felt compelled to enter the senate 45 race when Fred
Thomas won the Republican primary in June, to offer a better choice for
the office than a “recycled senator” with such flawed judgment. Fred
Thomas cannot escape the debacle of electric deregulation, his poor
judgment, nor the aftermath of his flawed judgment causing increased
electricity rates, loss of jobs, and loss of pensions across the state
of Montana.
I applaud Dan Metully’s candidacy as a person of integrity who is
willing to listen and consider different points of view on issues.
Furthermore, I trust Dan Metully to act in the public interest of
Montanans to do what is best for this state.
Please join me in voting for Dan Metully for State Senator,
District 45.
Lisa Thompson