I really hope that everybody sees what I see: that this group of commissioners has done absolutely nothing for the good of the taxpayers, yeah, the ones that pay you a good salary to do good things for Ravalli County.
Let me start by saying you have cost too much money with all these lawsuits, several still pending. You cost people their jobs. Now you want bigger signage that absolutely no one wants except two commissioners (Who is in your back pocket?) That about sums up our elected officials’ decision making for the last couple years. Lame ducks, all of you! Start listening to the citizens instead of your own personal agendas.
By the way, when are we going to downsize these worthless commissioners? I’d be willing to bet that we could get the same amount of work done with just one commissioner.
The good people of Ravalli County deserve a whole lot better then these ducks.
Kirt Weishaar