Version:1.0 StartHTML:0000000181 EndHTML:0000005397 StartFragment:0000002934 EndFragment:0000005361 SourceURL:file://localhost/Users/bitterrootstar/Desktop/Opinion5-23-12.doc
One of the main issues today is the protection of private property rights. Over the last eight years I have had the privilege to serve in the
Legislature with and have come to know well, Gary MacLaren. As a Chairman of the House Local Government Committee, he has dealt with many critical issues effecting property rights. He has sponsored and voted on many bills that were controversial. In every case, Gary MacLaren has voted to streamline, or simplify, land use policy, such as HB 403 in the 2011 session. He has worked to push land use decisions down to the local level, resisting control from Helena. Recognizing the different needs of rural versus urban jurisdictions, he has worked to produce policies that provide the greatest flexibility for local governments. Gary sponsored HJ 33 in the last session which is an interim study to find a solution to the subdivision for lease or rent question.
Gary recognizes, as I do, that property rights are a fundamental part of
our legal, economic, and cultural heritage. I consider Gary to be a
friend of the real estate and development community. It is for this
reason I recommend that you vote for Gary MacLaren for Senate District 45. He has my support.
Ron Stoker