Corvallis residents, please consider voting for the upcoming Corvallis School Mill Levy. Passage of the mill levy will not result in an increase in taxes but rather a decrease! In fact, residents can expect a reduction of $0.47 per $100,000 of the taxable market value of their property. The reason for this is that the 15-year building bonds, approved by voters in 1996, will be paid off this coming June. The increase in general fund mills will be offset by the decrease in debt service mills.
If the levy is not passed, the Corvallis School District will be facing a general funding deficit in the coming year of $358,000. This is mainly due to decreased enrollment numbers for next year. The result of not passing the levy will be increased class sizes, cuts to key educational programs, and the potential loss of 4-6 highly skilled teachers and support staff! The potential reduction of the number of available electives classes, and cuts to important support programs such as Title I, will negatively impact our student’s opportunities for academic exploration and success.
The Corvallis Mill Levy presents a unique opportunity where everyone wins. Taxes decrease, and our kids and community benefit. Please vote yes, and help the Corvallis School District keep the programs and people that educate, inspire, and give our kids the skills and knowledge they need to become successful adults.
Voting will take place on Tuesday, May 8 from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. in the Corvallis High School Gym. Forms to request absentee ballots are available at the Corvallis School District Administrative Office or at the Ravalli County Election Office. Voters may also cast absentee ballots in person at the Ravalli County Election Office after April 18.
Robert Prince