“Power Brokers,” a Montana PBS investigative film about the MT electrical deregulation epic journey and tragedies that followed, will air this month at the public libraries throughout the Bitterroot Valley.
The investigative film focuses on the demise of the Montana Power Company, the state’s only Fortune 500 Company, elevating power prices to the celestial heavens while sending stockholders to their grave, forcing major businesses to collapse and leaving communities and school districts to struggle.
Our MT Legislature within the closing moments of the 1997 session accepted the well-crafted SB#390 (deregulation bill), which was carried onto the Senate floor by then-state senator Fred Thomas of Stevensville (SD#45) and subsequently signed into law by then-Governor Marc Racicot.
Primary elections are upon us. The state senate (SD#45) contenders on the Republican ticket are Gary MacLaren (currently serving as our state representative for House District #89) and the former state senator Fred Thomas who worked closely behind closed doors at a Helena motel (not on Senate Chambers’ floors), with the Racicot Administration and outside interests to create the deregulation movement, ensuring the financial and emotional deaths of individuals and MT communities.
“Power Brokers” is a a true picture that paints a story of power and corruption.
As critical thinking constituents (voting public) you have an opportunity to view the one hour documentary to help you understand recent past history that has “crippled” the state of Montana into infinity.
Showings will be Thursday, May 3 at the Bitterroot Public Library in Hamilton; Tuesday, May 22 at the North Valley Public Library in Stevensville and Wednesday, May 30 at the Darby Community Library. All showings are free and open to the public. Doors open at 6:30 p.m., show time at 7 p.m.
How will you vote? Call for the question.
Peter Lethenstrom
robert_A says
Way to go Fred, good job.