Dear Editor,
As an American, I admit I was proud that I lived in the only country on the planet that could elect a minority to the highest office in the world. This is due to our system of government and the fairness and tolerance of the American people and is a real testament for this great country.
I also decided that I would give the new president the benefit of the doubt and see if he would actually govern the way he promised in the campaign.
Wow, not only am I disappointed I actually fear for the future of our country for the first time. Obama is quickly turning out to be one of the most partisan and petty politicians this country has ever witnessed. It is ironic that he shows contempt for the only system of government that could allow him to rise from near anonymity to the leader of the free world.
Obama’s biggest mistake was in marketing himself to be somehow much better and far different than his predecessors and those in Washington DC.
The liberals in power right now, Obama, Pelosi, Reid, are the most despicable, two faced, lying, pathetic excuses for leaders we have ever elected in our country’s history.
Have the citizens of this nation caught on yet that the candidate we saw in the campaign is not the president we got after the election?
I’m still waiting to see “the most ethical Congress “in the history of the institution… right, Nancy?
Wolfgang Kuhn