The article published on April 3 regarding six questionable candidates running for Democratic Precinct Captains perpetuated some confusion that continues to exist in Ravalli County regarding the Tea Party. As the president of Ravalli County Tea Party Patriots (RCTPP), I would like to clarify our role, or more properly, the lack of our role in this current controversy.
Several years ago there was a group in Ravalli County called Celebrating Conservatism that was sometimes called the tea party. Some members of that group have reformed to start a Political Action Committee (PAC) called Conservatives United. Our group, RCTPP, is not now nor has ever been affiliated with Celebrating Conservatism or Conservatives United.
In the article, John Meakin links the six candidates with the Tea Party. None of these candidates mentioned in the article are members of RCTPP nor, to the best of my knowledge, have they ever attended any of our meetings.
Speaking for myself, I do not believe it is ethical to misrepresent yourself in order to disrupt other groups who do not share your ideology. From what I know of Mr. Wisniewski, I find it incredible that he truly wishes to represent the Democratic Party in this county. I believe that elections are the bedrock of this nation, and to distort this process makes a mockery of the solemn duty to vote. I find this behavior shameful regardless from which side of the political spectrum it arises.
I want to make it clear that RCTPP did not initiate nor participate in any way with the group of candidates who filed as Democrat precinct captains for what appears to be for the purpose of disrupting the Democratic Party in this county.
Jennine Jones, President
Ravalli County Tea Party Patriots
Sandra Dornick says
It’s good to see people with enough courage to set the record straight. There are so many sudo-groups trying to ride the coat tail of conservative values when they are in fact sheep in wolves clothing. Thank you for taking this stand. Even though I am not in your city/state, people with backbone need to be thanked.